~38~ Prefect Party

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Once again, we were back at training, and back with our shifts for the Order. I was so tired after the next few days, Mrs. Weasley actually yelled that Dumbledore to let me rest for a few days because I had the biggest dark circles under my eyes that I had ever seen.

And I was grateful. I spent most of my weekend break sleeping. By the end of the weekend, I was more refreshed and ready to get back to work. On the last day of the Summer Holiday's, I had come back from training and cracking my back.

"Ergh, I feel like I'm nearly 40, not 20." I groaned to Ollie, who was hunched over some plans.

He laughed. "Ask old Remy to give you a little shoulder massage."

"No." I snapped.

Then, Mrs. Weasley walked downstairs beaming. "Ron and Hermione were just made as Prefects!"

I gasped. "Really? Oh that's fantastic! I'm not surprised!"

"I'm surprised about Ron." Ollie muttered, so softly so that only I could hear.

I smacked his arm.

Mrs. Weasley said that she would just invite a couple of people for dinner to celebrate. She ended up doing an entire party. Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Bill, Ollie, Mad-Eye, Kingsley, McGonagall, and Mundungus came. Apparently, Mrs. Weasley even invited Snape, but I was glad he never showed up.

Mrs. Weasley hung up a large banner that read congratulations Ron and Hermione — new prefects.

"I thought we'd have a party instead of a sit down dinner!" she said, as I looked at all the food on the dinner table.

I found myself cornered by Ollie, Tonks and Bill.

"What? I was just trying to get myself some butterbeer." I muttered irritably.

"You have to talk to Remus." Bill said.

"I don't have  to do anything."

"You're right. But you should."  Ollie said.


"He misses you!" Tonks grimaced. "He asked me for advice."

I snorted into my butterbeer. "What did he ask you?"

"He asked me if he should get you flowers, or chocolate or something."

"What did you say?" I asked. "Because none of that will help."

"I know. I told him you two should have hard rock sex."

I sprayed out my butterbeer and started coughing like mad. Everyone turned to look at me as I nearly passed out from coughing so much, and Ollie thumped my back hard.

"Alright over there Sara?" asked Mad-Eye gruffly.

I waved a hand, and glanced at Remus. Luckily, he was in a deep conversation with Sirius and hadn't really noticed what we were talking about. I turned to Tonks. "I'm going to fucking murder you. Did you really say that?"

She nodded, grinning.

"What did he say to that?" I hissed.

"He turned a bright red, started stuttering like mad, and then he turned around to leave the kitchen, but because he's so tall, he smacked his forehead against the doorframe and then practically ran out of the room." she said.

"Well obviously!" I rubbed my face with annoyance. "I can't believe you- well actually I can."

"Have you?" she asked.

"Have I what?" I muttered.

"Have you slept with him?" whispered Bill.

"I haven't slept with anyone." I admitted.

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