~20~ Death Eater Attack

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When we all got back to the tent, we started talking excitedly about the match. I was still jumping around, mumbling the Irish anthem under my breath and waving my flag about as Bill laughed at me, while Charlie and Mr. Weasley argued about cobbing.

Ron was standing on a chair, and speaking with passion about Krum. "He's more than an athlete! He's an artist!"

"You're in love Ron." I sang, as I danced around his chair.

"Shut up Sara."

"Viktor I love youuuu." sang Fred.

"Viktor I doooo," George continued.


Percy was watching us from the side, still looking salty. We made eye contact but I ignored him. Once Ginny had fallen asleep at the kitchen table, and knocking her hot chocolate over, Mr. Weasley made everyone go to bed.

I was sharing a small tent with Hermione and Ginny. We got into our pajamas and climbed into bed. Ginny fell asleep again right away, while the Irish were still singing loudly outside.

"Bet you want to join them don't you?" asked Hermione. 

"I do." I said. "I still feel the adrenaline, I'm not tired at all."

But it seemed I was in fact tired, because I had fallen asleep for a few moments, before I found myself being shaken awake harshly. 


I jolted up and grabbed my wand automatically, to see Bill shaking Hermione. Ginny was already climbing out of bed, looking confused. I jumped out of bed. "What's going on?"

"No time. Shoes, jacket, wands. We have to go out." he ran back to the other tent.

"Come on girls, you heard Bill." I said sharply, quickly slipping on shoes and pants, and throwing a jumper over my pajama shirt. 

Mr. Weasley ran in, and took Hermione and Ginny outside. I grabbed my wand, and putting it between my teeth, I tied my sandy hair up as I ran outside, standing next to Bill, Charlie and Percy, who were also fully dressed, with their wands out. 

I gasped when I saw a group of hooded figures, using their wands to suspend four figures in the air, laughing as they did so. People were running around and screaming. 

"We're going to help the Ministry!" Mr. Weasley shouted over all the noise, rolling up his own sleeves. "You lot — get into the woods, and stick together. I'll come and fetch you when we've sorted this out! Sara, you go with them."

"What? I wanted to help!" I cried.

"You don't have any experience yet! Keep an eye out on the children!" 

Bill, Charlie and Percy ran towards the hooded figures, while I ran in the opposite direction with the others. At one point, we lost Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed in frustration. "Why is it always those three running about!"

"Let's just find them." said George, who was clutching to Ginny's hand tightly. 

After a few minutes and walking through the woods, I looked up into the sky and gasped. "Oh Merlin. Oh my-"

"What?" asked Ginny, looking up. "What is that?"

"It's the Dark Mark." I whispered. "It's You Know Who's sign."

Ginny gasped, letting go of George and running to me, hugging me. 

I heard the campsite quiet down soon. 

"Let's go back. Everyone hold hands, and keep your wands out. You can use magic if something happens to protect yourselves."

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