~33~ Advance Gaurd

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"Be quiet everyone." Mad-Eye growled, as we all hid across the street from the Dursley's house. 

We watched as the three Dursley's walked out, dressed in their finest clothing (which looked like shit) and climbed into their car, driving away.

I cackled slightly. "They're not going to be pleased." 

Tonks giggled and Mad-Eye shushed us angrily. "Shut it you two! Children." he tutted. "Come on."

We all quietly crossed the street, and with a flick of his wand, Kingsley opened the front door. We made it quietly into the kitchen. 

"We don't want to startle Harry." I said. "Maybe I should go up to him since he knows me bes-"

Tonks knocked over a table, a lamp falling to the ground with a loud crash. 

"Tonks!" I cried. 

"Sorry!" she quickly fixed it with her wand. 

"Damnit Nymphadora!" Mad-Eye growled. 

"Don't call me Nymphadora!" she argued.

"Shut it!" I cried.

"Lower your wand boy, before you take someone's eye out." Mad-Eye growled suddenly. 

"Professor Moody?" a voice said uncertainly. 

"I don't know so much about 'Professor,' " growled Mad-Eye, "never got round to much teaching, did I? Get down here, we want to see you properly." 

"It's all right, Harry. We've come to take you away." Remus said gently.

"P-Professor Lupin?" he said disbelievingly. "Is that you?" 

"Why are we all standing in the dark?" said Tonks. "Lumos."  

Her wand tip lit up, and all of us standing at the foot of the stairs looked up at Harry, who still had his wand out, and was staring at us with disbelief. 

"Sara!" he cried.

"Hey Harry. Er, sorry about our last encounter." I smiled sheepishly.

Mad-Eye huffed at that.

"Oooh, he looks just like I thought he would," said Tonks brightly. "Wotcher, Harry!" 

"Yeah, I see what you mean, Remus," said Kingsley. "He looks exactly like James." 

"Except the eyes," said Diggle. "Lily's eyes."

"Are you quite sure it's him, Lupin?" Mad-Eye growled. "It'd be a nice lookout if we bring back some Death Eater impersonating him. We ought to ask him something only the real Potter would know. Unless anyone brought any Veritaserum?"

"Harry, what form does your Patronus take?" said Remus.

"A stag." Harry replied.

"Yeah, that's him Mad-Eye." Remus said.

Harry finally walked down the stairs, and we moved out of the way for him, as he stowed his wand in the back of his jeans pocket.

 "You just keep your wand out of your back pocket!" growled Mad-Eye. "Elementary wand safety, nobody bothers about it anymore. . . ." He stumped off toward the kitchen. "And I saw that," he added irritably, as Tonks and I rolled our eyes at the ceiling.

"Always about that." I muttered to Tonks, who giggled.

Remus shook Harry's hand, and Harry grinned up at him.

"You're all lucky the Dursley's are out." Harry mumbled.

Tonks snorted as I grinned. 

"Lucky my arse!" I snorted. "I sent them a letter by Muggle post telling them they'd been short-listed for the All-England Best-Kept Suburban Lawn Competition. They're heading off to the prize-giving right now. . . .Or they think they are."

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