~41~ What are we?

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Almost right after the term started, I received a letter from Harry. I got it when I was sitting with Remus and Sirius at lunch.

"Why didn't Harry send me  a letter?" asked Sirius moodily. 

The two men leaned over each of my shoulder to read. 

"Why is everyone always so nosy with my letters?" I huffed, before opening it up and reading out loud.

Dear Sara
I had a fight with Seamus the first night back

"Oh so that's why he sent it to you." Sirius said.

I rolled my eyes and continued. 

He called me a madman, and said he didn't want to share a dorm with me anymore. Apparently, your mum didn't want him to go back to Hogwarts because of me. I'm really sorry but I got a little angry and had a go at your mother. Seamus also said that you were mad for believing it too. 
I don't know why I'm sending this to be honest. I just thought I should tell you
Love, Harry

I sighed, leaning back and rubbing my eyes. "Ugh, everything is going to dogs."

Sirius moved away from my side, and Remus just leaned his chin on my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry Sara." he said softly. 

"It's alright. I was expecting it anyway, especially seeing his reaction at the station." I blinked back tears. "It's fine. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Just a few days later, Bill announced that Fleur was now a part of the Order. Not that she would do much, because she was still working on her English and didn't really know much about England. But, she was there. 

The first time I had seen her since the Triwizard tournament, she waltzed into the kitchen as I was cooking dinner.

"FLEUR!" I screamed, nearly pouncing on the girl.

She laughed and hugged me tightly. "Sara! I am so glad to see you again."

Bill walked up behind, leaning against the doorframe and smiling. "Alright Fleur, don't break her back, Remus can do that for her."

I gasped and pushed Fleur away, rounding on Bill with fire in my eyes, while Remus spit out his tea, coughing. Sirius started laughing madly while thumping Remus on the back.

"Bill!" Fleur scolded him. "Don't embarezz them!"

Bill jsut grinned. Remus and I were both red in the face, avoiding each others gaze. 

"Still haven't gone around to it?" Bill asked grinning as he stepped up next to Fleur and put an arm around her.

"Shut up Weasley." I muttered, turning back to stove. 

"I'll take that as a no."

Remus was still coughing slightly, muttering something before rushing out of the kitchen.

"I hate you Bill." I tsked. 

"No you don't." he said smugly.

"Whatever. Loser." 

Fleur shook her head. "I apologize on behalf of Bill."

"Come on, are you telling me you really haven't yet?" he leaned forward.

"We haven't even had that conversation yet. Enough! Please!" I snapped.

"Alright, let's just switch topics." Sirius said.

"Speaking of switching subjects....." Bill said. "Look at these two!"

"Which two?" I turned around to see that Ollie and Tonks had arrived for dinner to. But something was off about them. Today, Tonks' hair was black, stopping at her chin. But that wasn't it. I was used to her different hairstyles. It was that.....

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