~48~ Cured!

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Within the next few days, Mr. Weasley and I were finally fully cured.

Remus and Tonks came to bring the two of us back to Grimmauld place. When we arrived, the entire Weasley family, plus Hermione greeted us.

"Harry and Sirius are in the kitchen with Professor Snape." Mrs. Weasley said. "Let's go in."

"What? Why is Snape-"

When the kitchen door opened, Mr. Weasley boomed out "CURED. WE ARE COMPLTELY CURED!"

But then we paused, because Sirius and Snape had their wands drawn out to each other, and Harry was in the middle, his arms outstretched between the two of them.

"Merlin's beard," said Mr. Weasley, the smile sliding off his face, "what's going on here?"

Both Sirius and Snape lowered their wands. Harry looked from one to the other. Each wore an expression of utmost contempt, yet the unexpected entrance of so many witnesses seemed to have brought them to their senses. Snape pocketed his wand and swept back across the kitchen, passing us without comment. At the door he looked back. "Six o'clock Monday evening, Potter."

He was gone. Sirius glared after him, his wand at his side.

"But what's been going on?" asked Mr. Weasley again. 

"Nothing, Arthur," said Sirius, who was breathing heavily as though he had just run a long distance. "Just a friendly little chat between two old school friends. . . ." With what looked like an enormous effort, he smiled. "So . . . you're both  cured? That's great news, really great. . . ." 

 "Yes, isn't it?" said Mrs. Weasley, leading her husband forward into a chair. "Healer Smethwyck worked his magic in the end, found an antidote to whatever that snake's got in its fangs, and Arthur and Sara have learned their lesson about dabbling in Muggle medicine, haven't you, dears?" she added, rather menacingly.

"Yes Molly." Mr. Weasley said bleakly.

She glared at me when I failed to answer.

"yes Mrs. Weasley I answered hastily.

Dinner that night was loud. Everyone dropped in in celebration what Mr. Weasley and I were back on our feet and healthy again. I could tell that Sirius was broody, no doubt because Harry was going back to Hogwarts again. I made a mental note to myself to try and hangout with him more this term.

The next morning, Remus and I were to take the Knight Bus with everyone to escort them to Hogsmeade.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Remus asked for the billionth time at breakfast the next morning.

"Yes Remus. I'm fine. The Healers said I'm all fine to get back to my regular schedule. Don't worry."

After  quick breakfast, everyone was now out the door. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley hugging all the children, before Remus and I led them out.

"Come on, the quicker we get on the bus the better," I said, glancing around. 

Remus threw out his arm. 

BANG. A violently purple, triple-decker bus had appeared out of thin air in front of us, narrowly avoiding the nearest lamppost, which jumped backward out of its way.

A thin, pimply, jug-eared youth in a purple uniform leapt downo nto the pavement and said, "Welcome to the —""Yes, yes, we know, thank you," I said swiftly. "On, on, get on —  

I pushed Harry forward. 

The  conductor goggled at Harry as he passed." 'Ere — it's 'Arry — !" 

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