~67~ Ron's Birthday Surprise

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Only two days after New Years, Remus had to head off to his mission. We were sitting in our house while he packed a couple of essentials.

"Remus, is there really no way to get out of this?" I asked, tearfully.

"I wish I could Sara. But I must." he sighed.

I tried to hold in my sob, but I couldn't help it.

He turned around at my cry and sighed. "Oh my love." he pulled me into an embrace and held me, kissing my forehead softly. "Don't worry about me darling. I'll be fine. And as for you, you'll be staying with your mum! And you'll see Tonks, Ollie, Bill, Fleur, and you'll have your training sessions..."

"I know that. But I won't be able to stop worrying about you!" I cried.

"I know. Me too Sara, I'll be thinking about you the whole time too." he sighed. 

There was a knock at the door and we both grimaced.

"Dumbledore is here." Remus sighed.

We went downstairs and Remus let Dumbledore in. I ignored Dumbledore as he and Remus spoke. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and saw Remus in front of me. "I have to go now Sara."

"Oh Remus." I kissed him softly, resting my head on his forehead when we pulled away.

"These few months will pass by quickly darling." he said. "I love you, more than you can imagine."

"I love you too Remus." 

He kissed me again, and then he was gone.

~ ~ ~
I wasn't allowed to tell my mam exactly why Remus was away, only that it was to spy on a few of You-Know-Who's followers. Mam thought it was incredibly brave. I still thought it was incredibly stupid. 

Ollie, Tonks, Bill, Fleur, Fred and Georg were always keeping me company when I wasn't on my own missions, or training, and I was feeling a bit better about Remus not being there. I still missed him a lot, and he was almost always on my mind. 

Soon, January rolled into February, which then moved to March. March first was Ron's birthday. I had the day off today, so after having gotten him a gift of a bunch of sweets, which I was planning to head to Hogwarts to give to him, along with the Weasley twins. It was now evening time, when someone banged on my house.

Me mam gasped in fright, pulling out her wand. I pulled out my own wand too, tip toeing towards the door. "Who is it?"

"Fred and George!" the familiar voice called out.

"Prove it before I blast your faces off!" 

"Uh, when you were in sixth year, we turned one of your eyebrows green for a whole week before we finally managed to change it back." 

I opened the door. "Alright, come in. Are we ready to go- Merlin, what happened to you?"

Both of them were pale and grim looking.

"Ron's been poisoned." Fred said. "He's alright though."

"What?" I gasped.

Me Mam stepped up behind me, listening to our conversation.

"We don't know what else happened." George said. 

I checked my watch. "It's nearly eight pm."

"We should go now then."

Mam wished me to be safe, before we all Apparated to Hogsmeade, then trudging up to the castle. When we got to the Hospital Wing, we found Harry, Hermione and Ginny crowded around Ron's bed. Ron was looking awfully pale when we got closer to him.

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