~65~ Percy's Big Fat Stupid Face

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The next morning, Remus and I woke up to a  mountain of gifts at the foot of our bed.

"Oh Remy, Merry Christmas darling." I whispered, kissing his forehead softly.

"Hmph? Merry Christmas love." he rolled over, pressing his head at the crook of my neck and putting one leg on top of me.

"Remus, get off, I want to open gifts." I pouted.

He groaned. "You are so comfy though." he mumbled in his morning voice. 

I couldn't help but get butterflies at his husky voice. "Remmyyyyy." I whined.

He huffed and rolled onto his back. 

"FREEDOM!" I cried, jumping towards the gifts.

"Freedom?" Remus widened his eyes. "Oh how dare you." he pounced on me, pinning me to the bed while I laughed. 

"I just want to open giftsssss." I laughed. 

The door opened and Bill and Fleur walked in.

"Oh Merlin, should we go?" Bill raised his eyebrows while Fleur grinned at me.

"No, come in." I said, as Remus got off of me. "Remus was just being a child."

"Says you." Remus smiled. 

We all opened our gifts. I was disappointed when I saw that Mrs. Weasley didn't make Fleur a sweater for Christmas, while Bill, Remus and I pulled ours on. Fleur said she didn't mind, but I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"No matter," I said, handing her my gift for her. "Open it up."

She pulled out a necklace of fake crystals.

"They're fake. I'm broke." I said. 

"It's beautiful." Fleur smiled, kissing my cheeks. 

Fleur had gotten me a necklace too, with a little emerald at the bottom, while Remus got me a new pair of earrings. We spent the rest of our morning in our the room, opening gifts and laughing. 

At lunch, everyone was wearing their Weasley jumpers, including Ollie and Tonks,  but Mrs. Weasley had on a new midnight-blue witch's hat glittering with what looked like tiny star-like diamonds, and a spectacular golden necklace. "Fred and George gave them to me! Aren't they beautiful?"

"Well, we find we appreciate you more and more, Mum, now we're washing our own socks," said George, waving an airy hand. "Parsnips, Remus?"

Remus accepted the parsnips while I crossed my arms.  "I can't believe you are capable of getting nice gifts while all you gave me this year was another box that exploded all over me!"

This morning, Remus, Bill, Fleur and I had opened our boxes with confetti exploding, along with glitter. It took us forever to clean it off because magic was not working.

"It was funny!" cried Fred.

"I got you both new jackets!"

"Ah, speaking of." said George, pulling out a box and handing it to me. "We were just screwing with you! Merry Christmas Sara. Er, thanks for being like a second mum to us."

"You boys are stupid." I grinned as I opened the box, revealing...... "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH!" 

I jumped up and ran to them but Bill wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back. "Come on now Sara."

"What's in the box?" asked Fleur with interest.

Remus looked in and turned a bright red. "Boys!"

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