~17~ Table Crashers

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Soon enough, Sunday came and it was time for Mr. Weasley to go pick up Harry. Ron, Fred and George had insisted on going, and when Hermione asked if she could go too, Mr. Weasley said it was too many people and he didn't want to stress out the Dursley's.

"That's exactly  why I think more of us should go!" I had exclaimed. 

Mrs. Weasley didn't like my comment.

I was sitting with Bill and Charlie at the table in the kitchen, while he all sipped tea.

"I thought you were Percy's best friend." Bill said, once the others went through the fireplace.

"Yeah he is."

"Then why are you never with him?"

I scowled. I seemed to be doing that a lot these past few days. "He's always shut out in his room writing stupid reports for the Ministry. I know his work should not  be taking that much time. He's constantly working."

Percy would sometimes bring his reports and work on them during dinner. Needless to say, Mrs. Weasley was livid.

"Yeah." Charlie shook his head.

"It's like ever since he got into the Ministry, he doesn't care about anything else anymore." I said, now feeling a bit bummed out.

When I had first arrived, everyone had asked me how I was feeling. Even Ollie and Harry had sent me letters just checking in on my physical wellbeing. Almost everyday, Ron and Hermione would ask me if I had any wolfish features, and Hermione was reading up on some side effects that can happen when someone's been attacked, but not bitten, by a werewolf. Apparently, side effects could show up anytime between one day after the attack, to a whole year. So it's still a possibility I might end up with some sore of side effect. Anyway, besides the point, Percy hadn't once asked how I was doing. 

"Oh don't fret." Bill said, squeezing my bad shoulder. 

I winced. 

"Oh fuck, sorry wrong shoulder." he grimaced. "Anyways, I'm sure Percy will get over it soon. Maybe he'll loosen up by the time the World Cup comes."

Soon, George spun into view, laughing hard.

"What's so funny?" I asked him suspiciously. 

Ron spun into view next. ""George! That happened?"

Then Fred came into view, also laughing.

"Come on lads, tell us what happened!" Bill said.

"Harry's cousin's tongue grew twice the size!" Fred wheezed.

"What did you do?" Charlie demanded, but he was smiling.

"It's a candy we invented." George said. "It makes your tongue grow. Er, that's what he wanted you to test for us last year." he added the last part to me.

I smacked him on the head. "You little fecker!"

Soon, Harry appeared.

"Howa re you doing Harry?" asked Charlie, sticking out his hand.

Suddenly, Mr. Weasley apparated into the kitchen, looking angry. "That wasn't funny, Fred!" he shouted. "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything," said Fred, with another evil grin. "I just dropped it. . . . It was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to." 

"You dropped it on purpose!" roared Mr. Weasley. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet —" 

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked eagerly. 

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