~68~ Return

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Uhm, some smut in this chapter. I'll put a marking right before it starts

The rest of the term was filled with training, missions, and me responding to a bunch of letters from the kids at Hogwarts. Harry informed me that Ginny and Dean broke up, asking what to do, so I told him to just go for it whenever he feels ready. Ron owled me saying Lavender ditched him, and he told me that I was right, she was a loon. Hermione then wrote to me saying how pleased she was about that. Shay then wrote me a letter saying his crush broke up with their partner and he now didn't know what to do. I told Shay the same advice I had given Harry.

"You're popular." Ollie commented, looking at all my letters, one June evening.

"Yeah well, I supposed I'm like a mam to these kids." I sighed, sending off the last letter to Ron. I was at Ollie's and Tonks' house, while Tonks was at Hogwarts patrolling for a bit.

"Mmm, if we ever have children, Tonks and I want you to be the Godmother."

I stared at him. "You guys talked about children already? You're not even engaged!"

"We've talked about getting engaged actually, we're just..... not sure when." Ollie said honestly.

"Do it soon, with war approaching, don't take too much time waiting around for it. Do it soon, especially if you both feel like you're ready for that." I said.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Ollie grinned. "Be right back."

"Is it the twins?" I called out.

I heard Ollie yelling out in glee, before he ran back to the kitchen, where I was still sitting. "Who is it?" I asked, impatiently.

"Drumroll please." Ollie said, stepping back, revealing-

"REMMY!" I screamed, jumping up and running into his arms.

He picked me up with ease and I wrapped my legs around his waist, as I burrowed my face into the crook of his neck. "Oh Remus, I've missed you so much darling." I whispered.

He set me down, his arms still around my waist. "My love, these past six months were the worst."

"I though- I didn't realize, I thought you were coming back next month!"

He smiled. "I came back earlier than expected."

I gazed at him. He was looking tired, with his dark eye bags even thicker. His brown hair had more silver hairs than usual, and he was looking thinner, with new scars along his face.

"Oh Remus." I put my hands on his cheeks, tracing my thumb along his scars.

He stood there, letting me run my hands along his face. "It's okay Sara."

"I made tea." Ollie said, breaking us from our gaze. "I'll make dinner too. Remus you must be starving."

Remus sat down, drinking his tea while Ollie bustled around starting dinner.

"I have to help Ollie." I said to Remus.

"No, sit with Remus." Ollie insisted.

"And have you burning the place down? I just  got Remus back Ollie." I said.

Remus chuckled a bit. "You can't cook?"

Before Ollie could answer, I said "No. Once he tried making toast when I was visiting his place. He literally set fire to the kitchen."

Remus chuckled again. Ollie and I managed to make a decent meal with the pasta and chicken he had in his kitchen, and Remus ate ravenously. I could only imagine how sad his meals were these past few months, so Ollie and I silently pushed our bowls towards him, which he cleaned off too.

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