~45~ A Night to Remember

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The second we stepped foot into Grimmauld place, I ripped off the veil as we stepped into the kitchen, where Mrs. Weasley was making dinner.

"Well? What are they up to?" she asked.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione are planning to make a secret group to teach everyone Defense Against the Dark arts, which it totally illegal by the way."

"WHAT! And you didn't stop them?" she shrieked angrily. 

Dung cowered behind me. "Well, no Molly. I wasn't allowed to show myself, remember? We didn't' want Harry to know we were watching him."

"I'm planning to speak to Harry tomorrow." Sirius said. 

"Pass along a message to them for me." she took a deep breath. "On no account whatsoever is Ron, or my other children, to take part in an illegal secret Defense Against the Dark Arts group. He will be expelled for sure and his future will be ruined. There will be plenty of time to learn how to defend himself later and he are too young to be worrying about that right now. I also advises Harry and Hermione not to proceed with the group, though I accept that I have have no authority over either of them and I just want them to remember that I have their best interests at heart. It's probably too risky to write all of that in a letter." she sighed.

And so, the next evening, Sirius stuck his head in the fireplace, and talked to Harry. Then suddenly, he pulled himself out with a gasp.

"FUCK! Someone was trying to grab my head." he wheezed.

"WHAT!" I gasped. "See! I told you not to do this!"

Remus rubbed his face. "Who was it?"

"I don't know. The hand was chubby and short with a bunch of old fashioned ring-"

"Umbridge that bitch!" I seethed. "She must have known. How would she know?"

Sirius looked ashamed. "I said to Harry in a letter, same time same place. And he just told me he thinks someone messed with Hedwig because she's injured now."

I couldn't help it. I punched Sirius in the arm. "You're a fucking moron."

"You are not using the Fireplace to communicate again." Remus said firmly.

"Or letters either." I nodded. "What did you say about that Army of theirs?" I asked, after a few moments of silence.

"I told them the three of us support." Sirius said.

I grinned. "Okay good. Mrs. Weasley is going to be so disappointed when she finds out we encouraged it."

"It's risky, but it is going to be safer."

"I hope Seamus joins them soon." I said. "His best friend is in the group."

"Dean?" asked Remus.

I nodded. 

"Hopefully Dean and give Seamus some sense."

~ ~ ~ ~
"Harry, Fred and George have been banned from the Quidditch team." I announced at dinner glumly.

Ollie went through the five stages of grief right in front of our eyes, before he stood up and yelled "WHAT!"

"Why?" asked Sirius angrily.

"Apperently that stupid little shit Malfoy was insulting Harry's parents, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and the three of them lost their temper, fighting physically."

"Was Malfoy banned?" rasped Ollie.

"No." I growled. "I just knew  that Umbridge would love that little shit."

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