Chapter 1

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My name is Austral Alekso.

Many kids my age would be hanging out around town or having fun and playing video games, well that's certainly not me.I'm what's called a She-Wolf and a Alpha Blood.My species are called werewolves, we are known for having two sides, a animalistic side, and a human side.When pups, what older wolves call us, turn 13 we shift into our wolves for the first time.

And today is my shifting.

I belong to the Cross Pack but our pack's full name is OriaCross, why is our pack named that?Because our original Luna's name was Oria Cross and from what I have heard from stories in school is that she was a very important person, besides being the Luna, she was a warrior, a vicious fighter to be in fact and helped save all wolves from destruction.

Anger, anger is a wolf's worst enemy, because if they give into anger, there is no going back.I have anger issues that are extreme, enough to have the windows vibrate and almost shatter.

Today is when all Alpha's and Wolves from all over the world come to witness and observe me shift for the first time, it's tradition for my pack, we have been doing it since Oria died from old age, and we are never going to stop doing this tradition.I stared at myself in the mirror while my older sister Maria, who had long brown hair and chocolate color eyes with tan colored skin, did my hair.I looked up to her A LOT.She has been there for me as a second mother after our mom died after giving birth to our younger brother Lee.

"You excited?" She asked me doing a fish tail braid

"I'm not so sure, I mean a part of me wants to get this over with, the other part is me confused?" She laughed at my answer

"That's a sign of your wolf showing, after all your wolf is showing up for the first time and is confused because of it, my wolf certainly was confused until I shifted." She stated and yanked my hair

"Oww!Hey that hurt!" I stated and I saw her smirk in the mirror

"I know, that's what dad did when he tried doing my hair." I rolled my eyes but nodded.After 20 minutes she managed to fish tail all of my hair.My hair is pretty long in length because I cut it, err Maria cuts it, once every two years or so, it depends when dead ends tend to show up.

She helped me in the dress I was supposed to be wearing, it's a nice dress but I knew it won't be for long.A knock on the door came to our attention and we looked over to see Dad's girlfriend who is a human holding Lee on her hip.Dad and her have been dating for about a year now, it was strange when he introduced us to her, especially when we knew they weren't mates.Dad started a relationship with her about a year ago and I knew why.Because Mom told him to move on no matter how hard it would be.

"You look so beautiful, Austral." She told me and kissed the top of my head.Her name is Maya Rolen and has shoulder length brown hair and light green eyes.

"Hey don't mess up the hair!" Maria told her and Elise sighed

"Don't worry I won't." She told my sister who was growling at her.I rolled my eyes and Lee was set on the ground who was now 3.He walked over to me wanting to be picked up.I picked him up and kissed his nose.Lee had brown hair like Dad and light brown eyes like Mom.He giggled and I smiled at him.

"Oh my, we better get going before they start without us!" Maya stated taking Lee from me and ran out of the room.Maria hugged me unexpectedly

"You will be alright, it will only hurt a little bit, trust me okay?" She told me and I slowly nodded.After a few moments she let me go and kissed my fore head before leaving my room.I looked around my room and frowned when I heard a voice.Move, they are waiting for us.I stumbled back at the sound of the voice.

"Who's here?" I asked but there was no reply.I sighed and glanced at the mirror one more time before walking out of my room.


HOW WAS IT?!LET ME KNOW!Okay let's not use caps for the entire thing XD.Anyways that was the first chapter, a little short on my part but it was just the introduction to the story and some of the characters.Also, I want to ask you guys what does both Austral and Oria mean?Both of them are Latin and..... NO GOOGLE!I know Google is our life saver in MANY situations but you will have to figure this out on your own!Pic is of Austral by the way! -Golden

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