Chapter 2

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Cheers erupted from the stadium as I walked into one of the many over hanging things.Dad ruffled my hair smiling down at me then shushed the crowd.

"Today is the day my daughter shifts for the first time!" Dad announced and I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks

"Many of you know her as a friend more than my daughter, others has yet to meet her fully of who she is, and today will be that day!" The crowd cheered loudly and I heard a few wolf whistles and howls.I looked throughout the large crowd then set my eyes on Alpha Lenardo of the Crystal Moon Pack.

"This day is what we have all been waiting for, and I'm glad to be her father, no matter the circumstances we all shall protect no matter what!" Dad announced snapping me out of my day dream.The stadium went silent that's when I knew that I had to go to the middle of the stadium.Dad's Beta Oliver's Wolf appeared down at the stadium looking up at me, waiting for me to jump down.

I gulped nervously at the thought of shifting for the first time.Dad rubbed my back in reassurance, I nodded then took a deep breath before taking a few steps back, Dad and the others stood out of my path for me to run.I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.This was it.I knew this was going to hurt when I shift, but it's what all wolves go through.I heard nothing, not even a bird tweet, and I felt the air go tense.I opened my eyes and ran, faster than I have ever have before, it was my werewolf speed.Once I was in mid air I felt everything go in slow motion.

"Let loose, I will take care of the rest." I heard the voice tell me from inside my head.I nodded even when I didn't know who was talking to me inside of my head, but it sounded feminine and soft.I felt pain course through me, that made it feel like my bones were splitting apart from their joints.I clenched my jaw in pain, with my hands balled up in fists.

As minutes passed I reached the ground, surprisingly landing on my four- WAIT FOUR!?Oh wait, THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO FAN GIRL ABOUT DIVERGENT AUSTRAL!Back to the matter at hand, I landed on my four paws?I opened my eyes to face Oliver's brown wolf.I heard cheers erupt around the stadium, I shifted into my wolf.Oliver howled and many joined him along with my father who was the loudest of them all.

"Did it hurt?" I realized who was the voice, it was my wolf.But how was I supposed to communicate with her?

"Your thoughts pup." Oh.

"She has shifted!We now welcome the newest wolf to the Cross Pack!" Dad yelled, his voice booming off of the stadium.I looked around then back at Oliver.Umm how do I do the uh link thing?

"Wait for them to communicate to you first." She told me and I almost nodded but stopped myself from doing so.I saw Maria's grey wolf walk towards me with a wolf grin, she held a floral dress between her teeth which I was guessing was for me.Uh how do you change back?WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME THIS?!Maria dropped the dress on the ground in front of me and nuzzled me with her snout.It took me awhile as to what she wanted me to do but I soon caught her drift.I slowly lowered my head to grab the dress.I picked it up like how Maria had it in her mouth.I ran off towards the doors of the stadium with Maria following me.I came to a halt and looked around for somewhere for me to change.

"Behind the statue." I jumped and heard Maria's familiar snicker.Ahh so that's mind link

"Okay?" I replied unsure if I talked to her or not.I saw her nod her head before shifting back.I looked away from her body knowing full well she was naked

"Oh come on now Austral!We are sisters and remember we used to bathe together." Maria pointed out to me and I glared at her.She pulled out some clothes from a drawer before slipping them on.I went behind the statue then raised a eyebrow.How do I shift?My wolf sighed at me

"Shift!" I made myself shift back after she ordered me to, which by the way was EXTREMELY painful!I don't get how other wolves could do this all the time!I put the dress on and frowned.Nuisance is the name of the dress.I walked into view and Maria instantly hugged me

"Your wolf was so beautiful!" She squealed in my ear and I cringed

"And so is your squealing." I said sarcastically and she glared at me pulling away from the hug

"Well sorry if I'm excited about seeing my little sister shift for the first ti-" She furrowed her eye brows at me

"Did you dye your hair?" I gave her a confused look

"What do you mean?I couldn't have, I was in the middle of pain of shifting." I stated and she grabbed a few strands of my loose hair and yanked it

"Oww!What's it with you and pulling hair?!" I asked her

"Austral..." Maria started her eyes wide in shock.I saw Dad come in with a smile on his face which soon faded to a thin line when he laid eyes on me

"... Your hair is Gold."


The second chapter is finished!YES!And it's longer than the last one, Score!Sooo what did you guys think of it?Also we already have 7 eyes (That sounded weird) and 2 favorites to the story and here is me 'OMG!', now I sound like a preppy high school girl XD.And did you guys figure out what both Austral and Oria meant?I guess not, I'M NOT GONNA TELL YA MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *Coughs Coughs Coughs* I should probably not to do that again.Anyways see ya guys next chapter! -Golden

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