Chapter 13

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???'s POV (Pic is of this random person's POV)

I grabbed hold of the lever and pulled it down, opening up the door of the bottom of the tree and walked out, my black cape resting on my shoulders, the hood over my head.

I walked past the hidden statue of Oria and towards the closest way to a small town called Norway.

I stopped and grabbed a vial out of my pocket and smashed it between my hands, moonflower, works every time

I looked around before discarding the glass into a leaf pile and continued my way to Norway.

I stopped and sniffed the air a few minutes later to make sure no one was following me, once I made sure no one was, I continued on my way.

My name is Jackson, but I can not reveal my full name to you until it's equivalent for me to.

After a half hour walk, I stopped when I heard a wind chime go off in the distance.My eyes widened, someone is there.

I turned around, forgetting about my trip to town and dashed back towards Oria's Statue.A scent hit me and it smelled of Rogue having me let out a low growl in disapproval.

I made it back but stopped when I saw Oria's Statue a raised from the ground, the rogue that activated it, holds some kind of importance as I do.The Rogue had on a black pack and from the distance I was away from the rogue, I could tell it was a female.Probably stumbled upon this by accident... Then why did I hear the wind chime go off?

"What the hell is this for?" The Rogue asked herself, backing towards Oria's Statue

"Step away from the statue, Rogue." I growled at the She-Wolf Rogue.She turned around in what seemed slow motion having my eyes widen slightly.

Austral was standing right in front of me, my second born daughter was alive and well.

Tears sprung to my eyes, as I took off my hood, revealing my brown and gray locks, matching blue eyes that she inherited from me.She stared at me, her eyes full of tears that broke my heart and made my wolf howl in guilt of leaving her like that so many years ago.

"D-Dad..?" She let her backpack fall of her shoulders and into the ground.She dashed towards me, barreling me into a hug.She softly cried into my chest, letting the tears flow I hugged her tightly.Not letting her go like I have before, I'm NEVER leaving her alone EVER again.

Austral's POV (In the tree thingy)

Dad put another piece of wood onto the fire while he made us some soup for supper.

I'm still shocked at the thought of him still being alive, and him being here all this time.He sat down across from me, poking at the fire with a metal rod

"How did you find this place?" I asked him

"Wind Chimes, after I lost the Rogues that was after us I came here and waited for you... When you didn't come, I tried to link with you but I couldn't... I thought you were dead and there was no hope for us.So I have been gathering supplies for the nearby war of the century." I furrowed my brows

"What war?"

"War of Mayhem, the exact same war Oria faced centuries ago, between Rogues and Pack Wolves." I nodded, sighing

"Where have you been all this time." He asked me and I stared at him

"I ran for a few miles and I was exhausted, not used to the stamina my wolf had, so I fell asleep and woke up in the home of Alpha Reed, the Alpha of Origaith Pack." He stared at me, wide eyed at the mention of the Rogue Pack

"Shocking, I know, but I ran after his mate Luna Elise called me Hema and jumped across a waterfall, except that his son, Aiden Reed, was following after me.Only then, I realized we were mates-"

"YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?!" Welcome protective father mode activated

"Yes, now let me finish, a rogue was behind me and Aiden was trying to make his way towards me, keeping his eye on the rogue.Then Lawrence showed up out of no where in Wolf form and told me and Aiden to run back to the cabin house they were staying at.After Lawrence came back from doing who knows what to the rogue, they explained to me about Oria and what happened.I have been staying with them ever since, built a new pack with them, became a legalized Pack that wasn't a Rogue Pack, and I was under the name of Hema for protection until Oliver showed up in search for me and you." I told him and he blinked rapidly at the mention of his old Beta

"I revealed who I truly was to the Pack and now, we just starting to finish the walls around the pack, until me and Aiden went out and a rogue was spying on us, my cover was blown.I left the pack, even when Aiden tried his best to stop me but I-I..." I gulped, remembering what happened almost a day ago

"H-Hurt him, I don't know how but he was once in front of me then in a wall..." My voice croaked unexpectedly and Dad went over to me and hugged me side ways, rubbing my back in a fatherly way

"I-I hurt him... I didn't want to hurt anyone else so I left a day ago and followed your directions and soon came here and reunited with you." I told him, holding back tears

"Shhh, it's okay, you didn't mean to hurt him."

"But I still did Dad, with a unknown force I didn't know I ever had." I stated, a tear escaping my eye

"Austral, that was the power of The Golden Wolf, you have powers that you need to learn and control.I suspect that was the power of air.If your mate loved you enough he would have followed you and forgiven you, didn't he?" I nodded

"I jumped from the waterfall and he tried to reach out for me-"

"How far was the drop?"

"Huh?I-I don't know, maybe 200 feet drop?" He sighed

"The water saved you, The Moon Goddess made sure you didn't drown." I nodded hesitantly

"Okay, let's eat and get some rest for tomorrow, we see what we can do in the morning."


And Austral's Father is alive and well!Didn't see that coming now did ya?

Okay, fine, it was cliché but I atleast I made her father alive again. -Golden

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