Chapter 21

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Lilac's POV

"This place looks so... Ancient." Aiden stated

"This is so exciting! I wonder about all of the amazing things that are here!" Elise yelled, looking around like a kid in a candy store

"May I ask, who Hema is?" I asked Elise

"You don't know?"

"I know she is one of Oria's children but she has been dead for centuries-"

"Yes, yes! But you see, Oria's descendant came to me and my family before we even started the pack, and she turned out to be Aiden's mate.... She died a few years ago, this all makes sense now, why you're his mate because you are the new guardian of Oria's Statue!" Elise told me, she did sound excited, but once she mentioned me, she saddened a bit, but was quick to cover it up

"Alright, we are here." We stopped, causing everyone to look at me in confusion

"Umm, nothing is here." I gently smiled at Laurence

"There's more to the eye than you see." I told him before sitting in front of where Oria's statue is supposed to be at

"Mundane of Lycans, show us the successor of all heroes." My eyes flashed gold again, Sandy howling. I stood up, stumbling a bit, when the statue started to move upwards, out of the earth, I smiled at this, this was how I reunited with Dad, I bet he has been worried about me

"OMG! Is that?!-" Elise asked in awe

"Yep, the Statue of Oria, successor of Mundane Lycans Heroes."

"Wait a second, that reminds me, why wasn't the statue up?" I asked myself

"Is there a problem?" Aiden asked me, worried

"The statue has to always be up unless in danger... Oh no... DAD!" I ran towards the opening of the cave, slapping my hand on the side, waiting for it to open in a hurry

"Lilly, what's wrong?!" Aiden asked me

"DAD?! ARE YOU HERE?! DAD?!" I ran into my home for the last years, only to stop abruptly

"No...." Items were strewn across the ground, tables and furniture flipped over, things broken. The place was trashed, the stench of rotten eggs filled the room, having us gag

"Rogues were here, they are the only ones who would ever leave that awful stench!" Laurence yelled, covering his nose. I walked further into my home, stopping when I noticed teared clothing on the ground

"My dad fought, he fought the rogue... But there was a struggle..." I looked over at Aideb who picked up a broken vial, my eyes widened when I realized what it was

"Drop that!" I yelled at him, smacking it out of his hand

"What was that for?!" He asked me

"That was liquified silver! They must have used it on my dad! They took him! They took him away..." Tears sprung in my eyes as I said this. Aiden's eyes softened and quickly took me into his arms, trying to comfort me

"But why would they take him?" Laurence asked himself, puzzled

"Because he is the Guardian of Oria's Statue! I think the Rogues are still looking for Hema!" Elise stated, having Aiden's grip on me tighten

"But why? After all of these years?" Aiden asked

"What if she isn't dead?" I asked myself, even though I knew the answer

"Then how are you Aiden's Second Chance Mate then?"

"No, not physically, but mentally, did you guys ever find her body?" I asked them


"Then, they aren't looking for her in flesh, but in spirit, they are looking for her spirit! My Dad must know where she is if the Rogues did so as much as take him away!" I stated then stopped when I noticed something on the ground, another teared piece of clothing, except that it held the Royal Crest of Cross Pack on it.

To Be continued

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