Chapter 18

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Austral's POV

I did the unthinkable.

When Aiden wasn't looking, paying attention to Mela who was dancing around in front of the TV, I used my Vera powers, and made myself sick.

It sorta backfired.

Since I'm not that experienced with my powers yet, there is some flaws.I just wanted a minor cold, but it gave me a full blown fever.

I headed upstairs tiredly, not saying anything to Aiden or Mela of where I was going.I flopped onto the bed, not bothering to change or get under the covers.After 20 minutes of laying there, I heard Aidsn calling for me, I couldn't answer him because of my soar throat

"Lilly, are you in here?" He opened the door to see me on the bed.He sat down next to me, with a concerned expression

"Are you okay?" I gently shook my head.He placed his hand on my fore head, retracting it quickly

"You're burning up, come on let's get you under the covers." He gently picked me up and placed me under the covers, tucking me in

"I will be right back with some soup for you." He kissed my fore head, having me blush but he didn't notice since my face was already hot from the fever.This day is gonna suck.

Aiden's POV

"Ah shit!" I whispered in pain, holding onto my wrist where I burned myself

"What are you doing?" Mom asked me, coming into the kitchen

"Lilly isn't feeling well, so I'm trying to-"

"Aww how cute, you're trying to make something for her to help her feel better.Dear I will help you make her soup, and after the soup is done I will go into town to get some medicine for her, what does she have?" Mom asked me and I smiled at her

"I'm guessing a fever, but what doesn't make sense is that she was fine at breakfast." I stated

"Aiden, how old is she?" She asked me

"Judging by her height and the way her wolf is, around 19 years old." I stated

"She must be going through her first heat then." My face turned scarlet

"Never mind... You would have been affected by it, I will ask Miller about it and see what he says." Mom stated and I nodded.Miller is the pack doctor by the way.After the soup was done, I headed upstairs to give Lilly her soup.

I know her name is Lilac, but it's his easier for me to say Lilly for some reason.Whenever I say it to her, in her eyes, she looks disappointed in something, I didn't know what it was about.Which made me more concern for her than I already am.

I reached Austra- Lilly's room and opened the door, Vanilla filled the room, her scent was wonderful, but it still confused me and my wolf sometimes.Like whenever we smelled it, We won't recognize her as our mate until she looks at us with her light blue eyes.

I set her soup down on the bedside table, only to see that she was trying hard not to fall asleep.I smiled down at her and watched her slowly eat her soup.After she was finished, I kissed her fore head and told her to get some rest and hoped she would feel better tomorrow.

I already linked to Mason and Jasmine that we wouldn't be able to make it to the run with them since Lilly had a fever.And from what Jasmine told me, it was probably from her traveling to much, not getting the correct nutrients in her body.

But that doesn't explain as to why she looks so tired, like drained, and she looked even more drained earlier this morning.

When I headed back downstairs, passing the living room where Mela was watching Mickey Mouse, she is suck a kid, but a cute one.And I shall protect her from asswholes.

I walked into the kitchen to see Miller and Mom talking to each other in low voices

"Aiden, we think we figured out why she caught this sudden fever." I nodded, listening

"Judging by what Luna is saying, your mate just got a fever like whiplash, am I correct?" I nodded and he sighed

"There was a wendigo attack yesterday concerning her and Jasmine Moscow, if I'm correct, your mate did something to keep the wendigo from attacking them, like a influence or barrier." I stared at him, curious to where this was going

"We think that your mate, is a Vera."


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