Chapter 20

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Lilac's POV (Pic is of Luna Alekso, as in Austral's Mother)

It's been a few days since my stupid spell didn't work properly. Today is the day I recovered, and now, I'm going to meet this Miller, the pack doctor here. Aiden was walking me down the steps, thinking I was broken even when I told him I'm fine. He wouldn't budge, and still helped me down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom, I pouted at him and he gave me a cheeky smile that made Sandy sigh

"Flower! Can we go play now?" Mela asked me

"I will after I meet this pack's pack doctor, okay?" I told her and she nodded, running off to the living room. Laurance and Elise were seated around the island along with a man wearing a black suit, his hair seemed to be shaggy and wet, like he just took a shower

"Lilly, this is Doctor Miller, our pack doctor." Miller got up from the seat and strolled over to us before shaking my hand

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lilac. How are you feeling?" He asked me

"I'm fine, even though Aiden thinks that I'm broken since he wouldn't let me go down the stairs by myself." I glared playfully at Aiden and he shrugged at me

"So I see, Lilac, may I ask, what's your last name." I stiffened once he asked me that, of course that didn't go unknown by the others

"I'm not aloud to say." I stated


"Back my dad told me not to reveal anything about my last name, he is too careful." I stated

"Where is your dad, who is your dad?" Laurance asked me, growing suspicious of me

"I don't know, I left the place we were staying at for the market, that's where I met Jasmine. I don't know if he is looking for me or not."

"Can you please take us to where your place is at?"

"Sorry I can't. Only me and my dad are aloud to."


"Because the place we are staying at is a sacred place, we are only aloud there because we kinda act as the place's guardians." I stated. Elise's eyes shined brightly once she heard me say that

"I know what you're talking about!" She yelled giddily and ran off to the library. All of us shared confused looks before she came running back with a dusty old book in her hands

"Oh no, Elise, not this again-" Laurance groaned and Elise glared at him harshly

"You're talking about Oria's Statue! Her Sanctuary!" My eyes widened

"How did you-"

"In this book that I have been studying since Hema.. Disappeared, I have been researching about what she asked us the first time we met her." She opened the book and flipped through a few pages before stopping at a page

"Page 100, it says there is a sanctuary not to far from where the Cross Territory ends it is said to be a path leading to a statue, in favor of Oria herself! There is a guardian that watches over the place, but every 30 years, the guardian changes, goes by bloodline you could say."

"But, once in awhile if there is more than one heir, the original guardian picks a new guardian that holds peace in the land goes up to the expectations of previous guardian." I finished for her

"This explains so much whenever I would go look for it-"

"And you don't tell me where you are going."

"Oh shut up Laurance, besides that. Now we know where Lilac's father is at!"

"Well, let's go!" Aiden decided, grabbing his jacket

"Wait!" I stopped him from leaving the room by hold of his wrist

"Once we get there, you have to sing the Song Of Sun to get to the destination."

"Song Of Sun?" He asked me and I nodded

"But I warn you, if you get it wrong, it will show you the wrong path, but good thing you're traveling with the new guardian that will be in about 25 years, because you will only have to repeat after me." I told him and he nodded


(Time Skip)

"We are at the entrance."

"We are?" I smiled at the familiar look of the trees, I looked up in the corner of my eye and saw the same wind chime

"Now, repeat after me. Thy be Goddess of Gold... Thee shall be rewarded... By the Child Of Gold... To be in the presence of a Goddess, Guardian of Song come forth to reveal the path of truth and impurity.. Thy be Goddess of Gold." My eyes flashed Gold when I finished the verse

"Your eyes-!"

"Your eyes will do the same, just sing the verse, and the path will be revealed to all of us."

"You're a beautiful singer, Lilly."

"It's just because I'm next in line to be a Guardian, now, your turn." I smiled at them and stepped aside

"Thy be Goddess of Gold... Thee shall be rewarded... By the Child Of Gold... To be in the presence of a Goddess, Guardian of Song come forth to reveal the path of truth and impurity.. Thy be Goddess of Gold." All of their eyes flashed gold having them gasp

"We can see..."

"The correct path I presume, do all of you see the same path?"

"I guess so." Miller stated looking around

"Alright, follow me."

To Be continued

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