Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes to see a woman cooking.Chicken scents went straight towards my nose and it smelled good.Actually REALLY good.Wait no, Austral, we need to figure out where we are.RIGHT NOW!I argued with myself until the woman noticed that I was awake.She turned around and walked over to me with a kind smile.She had short brown hair and tan skin with hazel colored eyes.She is beautiful.She sat on the edge of bed and handed me some water.I sat up and carefully took the glass of water away from her

"How are you feeling?" She asked me

"Fine?" I told her a little confused of how I got here

"Don't worry, you are in good hands Hema." I stared at her confused

"What?Who is Hema?" I asked her.She smiled at me kindly

"It's what my pack calls She-Wolfs that have hair the color of gold.Except that you are one of the rare ones.The last time my pack has seen someone like you was 500 years ago." My eyes widened now realizing what pack I was in

"We are in the Origaith Pack!" I yelled and got up from the bed.I placed the glass of water down on the night stand and she sighed

"Yes, we are, is something the matter?" She asked me concerned.I sprinted towards the door not answering her.I swung the door open when I bumped into a chest.I backed up a little bit to see a man with brown hair and brown eyes with a chiseled chin staring back at me

"I see you are awake." I backed up a little bit more and looked around for a place to escape.I saw a open window and darted for it

"Hey!" I slipped out the window and began to run for my life

"Aiden!Go get her!" I heard the man call for someone.I used my wolf speed to go faster.I was scared for my life.The Origaith Pack is a Rogue Pack, and I didn't want to deal with rogues after just getting done from being chased by them

"Stop!THEY ARE FRIENDLY!" Sure they are!They just want to rip my head off in a friendly matter!My wolf huffed at me and I sighed.I came to a waterfall and stopped abruptly.I looked behind me and at the water.It's a far jump so I would be able to survive the fall.Unless there are rocks below.I took a few steps back and ran.I jumped and in mid air I felt something collide with my back.Arms wrapped around my torso.I somehow, along with the person, managed to get to the other side.We had tumble onto the ground rolling a few times.I finally stopped rolling and slowly sat up.I looked over to see a boy staring back at me

"Mate." Oh no, HE IS MY MATE?!I quickly got up and started backing away from him

"I'm not going to hurt you." He told me carefully and cautiously getting up.His brown hair was tuffled and hazel eyes shining a little bit in the sun light.His plum lips looks so good to ki- NO STOP AUSTRAL STOP!I'm only 13 and I'm already thinking about this?Geez Maria did rub off on me

"I'm here to help you, alright?Just let me he-" I backed away when he took another step forward.The wind brushed by having his cinnamon scent fill the air.Oh great now I have to hold myself back from running into his arms!THANKS WIND!

"Please let me help you, I wouldn't even dare try to hurt you in anyway possible." He walk forward one step and I stayed in my place glancing at what was behind me to see more woods

"Okay." He stopped himself and focused on what was behind me

"Don't move." Fear flashed through my eyes when I felt something breathing on my back heavily.He started walking forward towards me cautiously, keeping his eye on the rogue wolf that was behind me.My blue eyes watched him scale towards me, always making sure that the rogue behind me made no move to grab me.We heard a howl and we all stiffened at the sound of how superior it was.A black wolf ran towards us an jumped over the waterfall, tackling the rogue to the ground.I dashed towards where my mate was and he instantly had me in his arms.My body reacted to what it wanted but I didn't.I felt secure when I was in his arms as I watched the black wolf and rogue fight

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