Chapter 12

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Austral's POV (Pic is of Origaith)

I helped Aiden lay down on my bed, him wincing in pain.I held tears back, feeling horrible about hurting him like this, intentional or unintentional, I still feel horrible

"I'm going to get Lawrence, he will know what to do." I stated and got up to find the Alpha of Origaith Pack when I felt Aiden's hand latch around my wrist, having me be pulled backwards.I landed right next to Aiden, his arms slowly wrapping around me

"I will be fine, just... Don't leave." My eyes casted down to his hand that was resting on my stomach.Guilt enveloped me and I sighed

"I-I... I don't want to leave, but know that I h-hurt you... I can't trust myself around you anymore.I'm putting you in more danger by staying here." I told him, having a hard time getting the words out.His grip tightened around me softly, from how he flinched a little bit, I put him in more pain than he should be by holding me

"Please, don't leave me..." He nuzzled his face into my hair having my breath hitch in surprise.I calmed down after some time and decided not to answer him.After a while, his breathing became calm and peaceful light snores was coming from him.He has fallen asleep from the pain I caused him, I decided to get some rest as well, so I closed my eyes and curled into him, careful not to hurt him.I let my eyes drop and after a few minutes of just laying there, darkness overcame me.One last thought running through my mind;

Moon Goddess, help us.

I awoke to Aiden lightly snoring havin me mentally sigh, he was still asleep, giving me a chance.I slowly unraveled his arms around my waist and replaced myself with a body pillow, so he wouldn't wake up suddenly from not feeling anything in his arms.

I finished packing and slung my back pack over my shoulder.I walked out the door, cringing when I saw a dent in the wall.I sighed, shaking my head, I continued down the hallway, careful not to make any sound that would alert Elise and Lawrence.I passed by their room to hear Lawrence loudly snoring, poor Elise, she has to deal with that every night.I walked down the steps and grabbed a few water bottles and granola bars for the trip and stuffed them in the back pack.

I walked over to the fridge and erased whatever was on the white board and instead wrote a note to them:

By time you read this, I will be long gone.I ask of you, please don't come looking for me.I need some space to keep all of you safe from whoever is looking for me, and from myself.Thank you and I'm sorry, I love you guys like I love my own family, I hope you will understand, and hopefully, everything will go well in the future for the pack.I'm sorry again, but I will be leaving you by body, but not by spirit.

-Austral P.S Sorry about injuring Aiden, I didn't mean to do that to him, and I did eat the last of the Oreos.

A tear escaped my eye, and slipped down to the bare wooden floor.The droplet connected to the wood, having it make a light splatter noise.

I stepped back, the washable marker in my hand as I stared at the note I left for them, I hope I'm making the right choice.

I put the marker back down in it's original place before walking over to the front door.I put my brown boots on before opening the door, a creak going off

"Shit.." I whispered, knowing by that little sound, I alerted the 3 people who are the most important to me that I was leaving.I heard foot steps upstairs so I dashed out of the house, not daring to look back.I made a u-turn and jumped over the wall, doing a somersault to break my fall.I took a deep breath before taking off running again.

I heard a howl coming from behind me, my wolf whined knowing who it was.I made many turns, in hopes of losing him, I ran straight and past a stream, I knew where I was headed, and I didn't stop running.

I came to a halt a few moments later at the edge of the cliff, where the water fall is at.I turned around swiftly when I felt his presence behind me, Aiden stood a few feet in front of me, his eyes full of sorrow and betrayal. 'Don't do this.' Aiden mind linked me.I stared at him, a tear escaping my left eye

-I'm sorry.- I mouthed to him before blocking my mind link with him and everyone else, I fell backwards, my last memory of him was reaching out for me to grab his hand.I didn't grab it, I let myself fall, it's for the best.I felt myself hit the water, the impact leaving a stinging pain on my back but I ignored it.

My wolf whined softly when Aiden tried to connect with us, I ignored him, forcing my wolf to ignore him too.I swam back up to the surface, I took a big gulp of air when I surfaced the water, lightly coughing from water coming up my nose.

I looked around to see a field 50 yards from where I was at.I swam towards the field and eventually got out of the ice cold water.I shook my head back and forth, trying to dry my hair but sighed when I knew it wasn't going to work.

I walked for a good few hours and came to the tree that started it all, remembering my father's words, I followed them;

"Just go!There will be a statue of Oria a few miles from here, when you see that statue take a right and-"

He never got to finish that sentence, I wish he would have, but the Rogues stopped him before he could.This is a few miles from where we were, take a right...

I turned to my right, my semi-wet hair sticking to my neck.The tree, a chime went off and I looked up to see a old wind chime hanging from a branch, chime... I climbed up the tree, my boots letting out a few squeaks from them still being a little wet.I reached the wind chime, focusing on it, I saw a few words engraved into it

'Cross of thy Goddess comes thee way, make way for Child Of Gold.'

Child of Gold...? ORIA!Cross of thy Goddess comes thee way, make way for child of gold!It's a riddle, the riddler... Okay, no time for Batman, Austral, think straight.

I looked to the next tree, in the same direction, there was another wind chime similar to this one.Follow the wind chimes, thy will be rewarded by the Child Of Gold, it's a old wolf song at Cross Pack, we all learn it in school before we shift.

I followed the wind chimes, careful to make sure they have the same engravings as the first one.

I stopped a hour later when there was no more wind chimes in sight, I furrowed my brows in confusion and jumped down to the ground from the tree.A statue... Look for a statue that holds a lady.... Nothing was around, so I walked around, sniffing for anything that wasn't ordinary for a forest area.

I tripped over a rock and fell to the ground, welcome back clumsy me.I sat down on my knees and looked behind me to see it wasn't a rock, but a stone, marble stone that was covered in some dirt and leaves, barely sticking out the ground.I scrambled towards it and begun digging it out, I stopped when I saw it was shaped as a hand.

My finger trailed the stone hand, unintentionally activating something.I jumped when it came out of the ground, in a circle lad motion, revealing a beautiful statue of a woman, holding a basket full of Lilies.

Surprisingly, there weren't dead, they looked as lively as ever.The statue had long hair that reached to the middle of it's waist, wearing a white ancient robe with a pedant that held it up over the shoulder, the hand I traced was flat out towards the sky, the other holding the basket of Lilies slightly above the statue woman's knees.The woman looked beautiful, the statue itself looked beautiful and had a mystical effect surrounding it.

Oria Cross, this is the statue of Oria.I turned around, hearing a light creaking sound to see a opening appear in the last tree that held a wind chime.I furrowed my brows, horror movie much?I guess not.

I walked towards the opening, my backpack lightly bouncing from my movement.I peeked through to see nothing but darkness.What is the point of this?

"What the hell is this for?" I asked myself out loud, walking backwards to the statue

"Move away from the statue Rogue." I stiffened, wide eyed in surprise.


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