Chapter 7

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AUSTRAL'S POV (A day later, Pic is of Aiden's Wolf)

I woke up to sunshine in my eyes.I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time 8:00 AM, I can sleep for a couple of more hours.I went to go back to sleep but stopped when I met with Aiden's face when I turned over.My breath caught in my throat as I realized we were sleeping together, in the same BED!I gulped and stared at his sleeping face.We were both fully clothes so that was relief, but then again, how did we end up in the same bed?Oh
(Last night)
"We are getting a new bed for Aiden since he needs a new one, so for now he is gonna sleep with Hema." Elisa stated when we were eating, me and Aiden choked our drinks and spat them out

(Back to present)
I smiled at the thought of our reaction and snuggled closer to Aiden having my wolf sigh in content.I loved the feeling of being close to him, I guess it's a mate thing, since we are both young we are going to wait until we are both old enough to complete the mating process, including mating with each other and the marking.I blushed at the thought and shook my head from dirty thoughts of him.I felt his arms wrap around me so I knew he was awake.I buried my head in his chest, smiling to myself

"We have to get up soon." I pointed out to him after a few minutes of comfortable silence.He held me closer to him

"Nah, I'm with you and not gonna leave or get up." He told me in his morning voice.My wolf wagged her tail when she heard his morning voice.I didn't argue with him and fell asleep in his arms once again.

"Luna, The Royal Guard is here to see you." One of my ambassadors named Token told me.I nodded

"Let them in." The two double doors opened to reveal the five Royal Guards of Cross Pack.They kneeled down in front of me

"We have news Luna." Royal Guard, Ethan told me

"And what is this news?" I asked him and he stood up, the other four still kneeling on the ground in a triangle formation

"News of the Origaith Pack back in business." I furrowed my brows

"The Rogue Pack, that was destroyed two years ago?" I asked him and he nodded

"The Alpha, Luna, and Alpha's son were the only survivors and rebuilt the Origaith Pack in a different location, near by Sunset Falls." He informed me

"How many Rogues are staying there?"

"About 50, Luna." I nodded and sat back down in my chair that once belonged to my father

"Any news of my sister?" I asked him and he shook his head, I growled at him

"I must know whether or not my sister is still alive, I haven't heard news from her for over a year!" I yelled using my Luna tone that I inherited from my biological mom.He cowered away from me

"We are sorry, Luna, we couldn't find her whereabouts and when we went to the pack yesterday she was no where to be found."

"Leave before I lose my temper completely." I warned them, my eyes turning dark from my wolf threatening to come out.Ethan nodded and walked out of the room along with the other four Royal Guards.I sighed and rested my hand on my temple.Austral, please be found alive and not dead.

"Hey." I glanced over at Aiden who sat down next to me on the porch steps
"I see you have finally decided to get up." I stated and he rolled his eyes at me

"Well maybe because the warmth left the bed leaving me freezing in the arctic tundra." He told me lightly pushing my shoulder with his, having electricity go through us

"Sure~ by the way have you seen your mom or dad?" I asked him and he nodded

"They went to a pack meeting for all rogue packs to specify that Origaith is back on track." I nodded and sighed

"I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"Do what anymore?" He asked me clearly confused

"Pretending to be, not Austral, but Hema." I told him and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, staring out at the pups playing with each other on the dirt road

"I don't like it either but you have too, I don't want any bad rogues finding you and taking you away from me." He growled protectively at the last part.I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder

"Hopefully, one day when all of this blows over, it will."

To Be continued

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