Chapter 26

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3rd Person's POV

Austral awoke to feel the warmth of a body next to her, currently incase in his arms as he held her tightly close to him. Austral's breath hitched once she recognize who it was, Aiden Reed- her mate and soon to be Alpha when he reaches the age of 25. Austral studied his features, watching as his chest rose and fell calmly, his eyes shut loosely with his mouth slightly hanging open. Austral lazily rose a hand to Aiden's cheek, brushing her fingers against the small stubble that grew over night. Silence filled the room, as Austral, with a smile on her face, stared at Aiden, adoring him in anyway she could. Aiden grumbled, pulling Austral closer him, crushing her to his chest as he buried his head into the crook of her neck, inhaling her Lavender scent

"Morning..." Aiden mumbled, smiling to himself as Austral giggled

"Stop breathing on my neck, it tickles." Just to annoy her, he blew on her neck

"Aiden, stop breathing on my neck." Aiden sighed before pulling his head away from her neck and instead rested his forehead against hers

"Okay, okay. I will stop." Austral snuggled closer to him, if that was even possible considering they were practically pressed up against one another

"How are you feeling?" Aiden asked his mate who shrugged

"Drained, but other wise fine. The only problem is the fact that I can't feel my wolf's presence." Austral informed him

"She must still be sleeping." Aiden told her causing Austral to nod

"Yeah, probably." They fell into a awkward silence after that, not knowing what to say like a writer not knowing what to write next. Austral knew that Aiden was holding in his anger at his best, and if she was too struck a nerve within him, hell will raise directed towards her. Austral casted her gaze away from Aiden's sorrow filled eyes, unable to find the right words to say. Aiden kissed her forehead tenderly, letting his lips linger for a moment before whispering

"Your Dad told me everything, no need for anymore excuses." Austral's throat closed up, a sob daring to escape, her eyes wetting with tears, ready to break

"I-I'm so sorry..." She managed to get out, her lips quivering and words barely audible to the human ear. But Aiden heard her and smiled softly, crashing her into his chest, letting her cry out all of her sorrows, all of her guilt, and her worries for their relationship. Aiden kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back soothingly, waiting for her to calm down before speaking

"It's all in the past now, nothing can be done but I wouldn't have anything change because that will only cause more tragedy then good." Austral sniffed while nodding, happy that Aiden felt that way and understood why she pretended to be his second chance mate, why she (accidentally) faked her own death and ran away in the first place

"Your dad says that he is going to hold a welcome home party for you when you get stronger and your wolf fully heals." Aiden informed her

"That may take a while considering of how long I was out." Austral stated and Aiden nodded in agreement, propping himself up on one elbow shifting slightly

"What now then? Maya is defeated and there is barely anything left to do."

"Let's worry about that later but there is actually one thing we should have done many years ago." Austral told him lightly blushing and Aiden smiled before leaning forward bringing his left hand to hold her face. Austral closed her eyes and felt their lips come in contact with each other, uninterrupted. Aiden's Wolf howled happily inside Aiden's head. Austral brought her hand up from his shoulder to his neck, smiling lightly into the kiss. After a few seconds they pulled away, satisfied with the turnout. Aiden buried his head in the crook of Austral's neck in bliss, taking in her scent in delight.

The mates stayed in that position for a while until a knock on the door was beard. Aiden lightly groaned, muttering small childish threats under his breath making Austral giggle

"Come in!" Austral stated over Aiden's shoulder. The door opened and came walking in was Maria and Lee, their eyes instantly falling on Aiden cuddling their sister

"I should have known..." Maria whispered to her little brother who nodded in agreement. They entered the room, Lee shutting the door behind them

"Well we have some pretty good news to tell you." Maria informed them, Lee sitting down at the foot of the bed

"What is it?"

"You know Oria Cross? Wait, that's a stupid question of course you do. Anyways, we managed to track down her last living descendant who is actually arriving tomorrow afternoon. He may actually be able to help you with reconnecting to your wolf, Austral." Aiden shifted to lay on his back, allowing Austral to see her big sister fully. A smile broke out on the 19 year old's face, her teeth almost blinding Maria

"Really? That's awesome!"

"And, he is actually a Vera who can help you further your training." Lee added, happy to see Austral with a smile on her face

"That's great!" Austral replied, glancing at Aiden who nodded in agreement with her.

To Be continued

Damn this chapter took to long to write! And yes I know it's short but I experienced writer's block, again, with this story and a few others on both WattPad and Quotev plus my personal life has been hectic but hey! I did it, I finished the chapter XD. Thank you all for reading! -Golden

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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