Chapter 8

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AUSTRAL'S POV (Yet another year goes by, pic is of Maria)

'Austral, come here, you need to see this.' Aiden told me through the link, I stopped studying and walked out of my room and down the steps.I heard people arguing outside having me furrow my brows.I stepped outside to see everyone from the pack yelling at Aiden, Lawrence, and Elisa
'What's going on?' I asked them in a private link

'They are pissed at us, for some odd reason.' Aiden answered for me, pulling me into his side protectively.My eyes fasted on the crowd in front of us, inspecting their angered faces

"Everyone please calm down!" Elisa told them, in a soft and calm voice

"Why should we?!We thought this place was save for us!" A wolf unknown to me yelled at her having Lawrence growl lethally at him.More shouts and the crowd started expanding so I decided to put my input into it

"Shut up!" My wolf and I yelled at them, my eyes flashing gold having them silence and look at me, I knew they heard my wolf yell and it scared them

"Thank you, Hema." Lawrence thanked me and I nodded

"Origaith Pack, this place is safe but if something has happened, unaware by any of the four of us please let us know, now what has happened that made you all unhappy?" Lawrence asked them, they all glance at each other before a man at the front spoke

"They took my daughter, Alisha, from the pack." Alisha, I played games with her when the other pups didn't include her

"Who took her?" Aiden asked him

"The Royal Guards, they took her away from me." He stated with a growl, balling his hands in a fist.I felt myself stiffen at the mention of The Royal Guards, why would my family send them for one of our pack members?!Especially a un-shifted pup!

"When did they take her?" Aiden asked Alisha's father

"This morning, she went out to play with her friends at the park, her friends came running back saying 4 wolves wearing red, silver, and black clothing took her." Alisha's Dad explained, while a woman, Alisha's Mom cried into his chest.My eyes saddened, thinking about Mom and Dad, they were both dead, I didn't want Alisha to die, especially when her parents are looking for her.My fists balled up in fury, I needed to help find her, I needed to

"We will send out a team to go to Cross Pack Palace and get her back." Lawrence stated, ending the discussion

"Thank you, Alpha." Lawrence nodded and walked back inside.The crowd dispersed leaving me and Aiden on our front door step.

"It's okay, we will get her back." Aiden told me, wrapping me in his arms.We stayed there for a little bit, enjoying each other's comfort and decided to go inside.Once we were inside we saw some of the pack's best fighters around the kitchen table, Lawrence at the head of the table

"Aiden, I want you to go with the team to get Alisha back." Lawrence stated having my heart feel like it was ripped into pieces, I gulped, knowing what could happen.Aiden nodded

"I will, for Alisha's sake." Aiden stated.I didn't want him to go alone, I knew some of the pack's best fighter's will be right by his side but I also knew the danger of The Royal Guard, I witnessed them fight, because one of them was my trainer and taught me various deadly moves, that I knew could slaughter thousands, I didn't want that to happen to anyone from the pack, especially Aiden

"Good, you will be leaving tonight, I wish you good luck, and let the Moon Goddess at your sides.Go get some rest for tonight." Lawrence dismissed them.I watched everyone pile out of the room, stunned.They don't know, they don't know what they have gotten themselves into, and oh moon goddess, what would happen if they engaged in battle?!Aiden left my side, climbing up the stairs I get some rest for tonight.Ya know what?I'm going with them, I don't care what everyone else says or do, I'm going and that's final.

(Time skip to night)

I watched Lawrence and Elisa say goodbye to Aiden, wishing him luck, the families and friends of the other pack wolf fighters were bidding farewell to them as well.It was a emotional time, no one knew if they were going to make it back, neither did I.I was holding back tears at the thought of Aiden being gone, for who knows how long.I was pulled into a warm embrace that I immediately accepted, knowing it was Aiden

"Don't worry, I will be back before you know it." Aiden whispered to me, I slowly nodded, burying my head deeper into his shoulder.We even that had to pull away because there was no time to waste.He kissed every inch of my face, except for my lips, before leaving with the other wolves.I felt Lawrence place a hand on my shoulder while I watched their retreating form into the woods.

(Time skip, 2 days later)

Gloomy, that's all it has been since they left, we haven't heard from them, making us feel anxious, I have tried many times to go after them but either Elisa, Lawrence, or another pack wolf stopped me, now I was under high radar.I was constantly being watched.My wolf wanted to see Aiden again, and I had to agree with her, I did too, I wanted to see him alive and well.I was helping clean up dinner Elisa prepared for us when I felt pain struck me at my side, catching me off guard.I fell to the ground, dropping the plate in my hand.It shattered to the ground while I yelped in pain, holding onto my side.Elisa was at my side in seconds

"Lawrence!Austral is hurt!" Elisa yelled while I cried in pain when I felt more pain come to my side that felt like someone was kicking me, hard

"What's the ma-" Lawrence stopped when he saw me, laying on the floor, clutching onto my side

"Oh no." My wolf howled in pain and my eyes flashed gold, I knew this pain was coming from Aiden, he was getting hurt, this has happens before when he accidentally slammed his fingers in the door once.Aiden was getting hurt, and I wanted it to stop

"What do we do?" Elisa asked Lawrence, tears streaming down her face while I struggled to breathe.After several minutes of pain it finally stopped.I laid there on the ground, heavily breathing.Aiden was in trouble, it's my time to go and help.I stood up with inhumane speed, my eyes the color of gold

"Hema, don't go after him, you would only get hurt." Lawrence told me but I snarled at him

"He is my mate, I'm going after him, and you are NOT going to stop me." With that I ran off, out the window and into the woods, into the direction Aiden and the fighters walked off in.


OOooooo, Austral is getting possessive of Aiden now, so what do you guys think is going to happen when Aiden and Austral reunite?Let me know in the comments! -Golden

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