Chapter 9

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Austral's POV (Pic is of Alisha)

I ran and ran until I felt like my legs were about to fall off.I stopped when I smelled his scent, cinnamon and honey, weird combination but I still liked it.My wolf was urging me to shift but I remember Lawrence telling me that if I ever shifted, someone would sense me and come after me.But then a idea popped into my head, I looked over at the pile of mud

'We can use this to mask our scent as well as our color.' My wolf stated and I nodded in agreement.I climbed a high enough tree an started to strip on the branch.I knew my clothes would get shredded when I shift because I watched it happen many times when new wolves joined our pack that were in wolf from.When I was completely naked I threw my clothes over a branch and pricked my finger before jumping down on the leaves under neath the tree branch.I wrote a 'H' on the tree with my blood so I knew when I get Aiden back he would be able to smell my scent on this tree because of the blood, but made it stronger because of my clothes on the top.I walked over to the mud, and stood in it.A lot of girl's would be like EWWW, but it's good for me to mask my color as well as my scent, except for Aiden because he is my mate.Only if I had moonflower that would be a bonus, but those flowers are very rare, and I don't have time to look for one

'Do you remember how to shift?' I asked my wolf and saw her face paw

'Remember, picture your wolf in your mind.' I nodded and closed my eyes.I pictured a gold wolf with liquid gold eyes staring back at me, I felt my bones cracking and stretching in any kind of direction, but it didn't hurt as bad as last time so that was a bonus, but there was some extra pain because this is only the second time I shifted since I wasn't aloud to shift.

I gritted my teeth in pain, feeling myself morph into a wolf was strange, but paid no mind to it, I needed to get to Aiden and the fighters.I hissed in pain when I finally shifted.I took a deep breath and opened my gold eyes and looked around, then up at the moon.I howled and felt my wolf trying to connect to Aiden's wolf since he was close by and probably felt our pain of shifting.I stopped howling and began to roll myself in the mud before shaking.I walked over to a nearby stream and looked at my reflection.

Now I looked like a brown wolf with some lighter spots of brown here and there, but I couldn't do anything with the eyes sadly.The wind blew by and I immediately rose my big head up, smelling Aiden's scent.My wolf growled before I took off in the direction Aiden's scent was coming from.
Aiden's POV

We were ambushed by posers of The Royal Guard and held us captive at our camp site.We also found Alisha who was by her brother, Mason, that came along with us to find his little sister.The reason why the bad rogues posed as The Royal Guard is because they needed us to tell them where Oria's statue is located at.Only me, Dad, and Mom know where it is because of the pack's history.Our pack fought in the war on Oria's side and we were the most trusted pack besides Cross Pack.The late Alpha Alekso knew where it was and I knew he told Austral where it was but she never found it because she was being chased by bad rogues from every direction and grew tired

'Luckily we found her.' My wolf stated proudly.I nodded mentally in agreement then suddenly a wave of pain washed over me, it was Austral's pain, did they find her?My wolf growled at the thought of Austral being hurt.I smelled her blood that made my eyes change into a deeper blue color.I smelled her blood, she came after us after she felt me being questioned and kicked in the side many times.Now I was feeling her pain because I wasn't to careful about not snapping at them

"Sir, we have no sign of the statue yet." A bad rogue stated and Gilleon, the leader, nodded

"Fine then, bring the pup for execution." All of us growled when he mentioned Alisha being executed

"Protective are we?Don't worry, it will be quick." A rogue grabbed Alisha by her pigtails and dragged her to the middle, throwing her to the ground.She sobbed loudly having Mason growl lowly.Mason was also my best friend at the pack and knew how he got went his little sister was in danger

"Hmmm, what do you suggest how she dies, sir?" The rogue asked Gilleon

"Cut her head off it's hinges." Mason growled, his eyes turning pitch black

"Leave her alone!I was the one who suggested where to look!" A fighter named Dale yelled out, trying to take Alisha's place

"Hmm, maybe we should have a double execution?"

"Yeah we should, but not him, bring the stupid Alpha's son." He grabbed me and threw me beside Alisha.I looked at her while she whimpered in fear, I gave her a reassuring smile trying to calm her down

"Alright then, bring me the axe!" I saw Gilleon being handed a axe.He showed it right in front of my face

"Say goodbye, stupid rogue." He sneered at me and rose his axe up and swung it down.A huge growl stopped him frozen in place.The growl made the ground rumble as if it was a earthquake.I looked up to see a brown wolf with gold eyes staring at us, Austral.I knew it was her by her scent, that explains the pain I was feeling earlier, she was shifting

"Who the hell is that?!" A rogue asked, frightened by my mate

"Your worst nightmare." Austral stated, except in a voice that sounded powerful, it was her wolf's voice.She lost control of her wolf.I watched her wolf dominate the rogues around us and soon they were left unconscious on the ground.Austral's wolf managed to take the restraints off of us having all of us sigh in relief.I walked over to Austral's wolf, rubbing my wrists to soothe the pain of the restraints being on them for so long.At the corner of my eye I saw Alisha run into Mason's awaiting arms.I smiled to myself at their brother sister moment and decided to have a little moment with Austral.I glided my hand across her murky fur, her eyes softened at my gesture and leaned into my hand

"Aiden, what do you suggest we do?" Dale asked me

"We shift into our wolves and head back to the pack, she will show us the way." I told them and they nodded.I stepped back, away from Austral and shifted into my black wolf with piercing blue eyes.Austral stared at me, cocking her head to the side cutely that had my wolf bounce around in excitement.I rolled my eyes at my wolf and rubbed my snout against hers, somewhat of a kiss but in wolf form.Austral nodded at me, seeming like she was now back in control.I did a wolfish grin before looking behind us to see Alisha on top of Mason's wolf.I nodded at Austral who nodded back, we ran back to the pack, passing by a tree that had a 'H' on it, I smirked at that, and looked up to see clothes hanging from a tree branch, reeking Austal's scent, I gave Austral a 'Really?' look and she stuck her tongue out at me.My silly mate ran away from us and I took that as a challenge to get to the pack.I ran after her, passing by the forest with a flick of my paw.



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