Chapter 14

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Austral's POV (2 years later... Admit it you read that in a Spongebob Voice)

"Austral, I'm heading out to town, I want you to hang back and make sure no one finds this place, we clear?" Dad told me while I groaned in response, snuggling more into the comfortable covers of my bed.He sighed, chuckling at me

"You did hear me, right?" I threw a plastic ball at him, don't ask I will explain later why I have that, he just chuckled at me again, taking that as a yes.I felt him kiss my head before leaving.After a few minutes of laying there, I got up and made my bed, yes, we finally got beds from Dad working side jobs under the name of 'Forest Ump.' Stupid name, but it works for him.

While I stay here and clean, no, I don't clean, I just stay guard and practice, or talk to my wolf which, it got annoying after a while of just calling her 'my wolf' so with her permission, I named her Sandy.

After two years of living here, we managed to get things so it would feel more homely and work better than it did before, we have a bathtub, which we fill with water from a lake nearby and wash our bodies but we also made a Well since the trip from here to the lake was to risky, since it's a good mile from here.We also managed to get beds that used to be bunk beds but Dad detached them so they would be single beds.We also have a outhouse, but Dad is usually the one that cleans that while I clean the bath and do the dishes in the home made sink, HA HA HA!He gets to do the dirty work while I do the easy work.

Also, it sucks washing clothes which we do once a month since we only wear our battle clothing that I MADE, myself, those stitching and sewing classes actually paid off.

Oh yeah, what I practice, well you know how Oria's parents were both Vera's?Half Magic and Wolf?Well, I practice magic because of that.Also explains why I'm able to force things away from me with my hands or mind, not so much with my mind, still working on that since it gives me hell of a headache.

I took a bath last night so I should be good until tonight, Sandy whined softly when we both experienced our daily dose of pain, as in, a pain around our rib cage, why were we experiencing these pains?It's not heart problems I can tell you that much, it's because of us not being by Aiden for so long, I experienced it after a month of staying here and found out that Dad has been experiencing it as well since Mom died, but he has it worse since he won't be able to be nearby her, but it has lightened up a bit since I'm here and I'm a part of him and her.

I changed out of my pajamas and into my combat wear incase someone 'attacks' us, Dad is always on a edge when he isn't here with me or no one's here at all which happens rarely.I walked into the somewhat kitchen and decided to make some eggs, oh and by the way, I can make food, MWHAHAHA, the sucky part is that it drains ALOT of my energy because of, stuff, protein, fibers, you name it, it drains my energy which sucks.

I hovered my hands over the pan and imagined two eggs on the pan, after a few seconds, they appeared, my energy going away as if it was nothing.

I rubbed my head in frustration before putting the pan over the fire and cook the eggs.After cooking the eggs and eating them, I went outside, to check on things and the statue of Oria.

When I exited the tree trunk, I sniffed the air, seeing if I could smell any rogues or pack wolves nearby, none, except for Dad's scent lingering in the air since he didn't leave that much long ago.My gaze went to Oria Status hand sticking out of the ground, some leaves covering it but it was still noticeable.I extended my hand out, breathed in deeply and watched a big pile of leaves go from one place and on to Oria Statue's hand.I retracted my hand in and slid my fingers along side of the open door, a white rim appearing for a second before fading away, the bark door closing having me sigh in relief, good it still works, we don't need a replacement.Once back inside I walked over to the desk and sat down in the uncomfortable wooden chair Dad got for free, as in he picked it up on the side of the road.

I sighed and leaned back on two legs, letting my eye lids fall to rest my eyes to get my energy back up.

Aiden's POV (Yes, I'm doing his POV.)

"Big Brutha!" I opened my eyes to see Mela on top of me, her grey eyes staring into mine

"Momma is making the food!" Mela stated and I nodded

"Okay, let me get up and we can go eat." I told her with a soft smile, she nodded and jumped off of me and ran into the kitchen.I sighed and slowly got up from the couch I was taking a nap on and walked into the kitchen to see Mom making lunch

"Can I have extra jello?" 3 year old Mela asked Mom and she stared down at my little sister

"What's the magic word?" She asked Mela

"Pwease?" Mela asked Mom with puppy dog eyes

"Yes you may little one." Let me explain to you, we adopted Mela a year ago from the new orphanage that was built in the pack and well she has been with us eversince.Mela had dark brown hair that was cut to her shoulders and beautiful stormy grey eyes, some people mistake me and her to be blood related because of Mom having almost the same colored eyes as her but we tell them she is adopted.

It's been 3 years since, you know, it happened.The mating bond was caught off, signaling that, she was gone... My wolf growled at the thought of her being gone, I got lost into my thoughts so much I didn't realize Mela was pulling me over to the table

"Come Big Brutha, We got food!" Mela stated, as I sat down in the chair, her next to me.Mom sat down our plates and Mela instantly dug in

"How was your nap?" Mom asked me

"Same old same old." I replied, sipping on my ice tea.Every day I would get a dose of pain around my ribs for a unknown reason, it started around a month after 'it' happened.Mom sighed and nodded and looked over at the calendar

"You got school tomorrow, last year for it Huh?" Mom asked me, I started school late because I couldn't handle going outside and seeing mates together with each other.It just caused me to much pain

"Haha, Big Brutha has to go to hell!" I held in my laughter while Mom glared at me

"Honey, where did you hear that word from?" Mom asked Mela

"Papa, he don't like Cassy..." Mela mumbled, her head tilting to the side.Cassy, in meaning of Casper Mure my dad's third in command.Mom let out a sigh while I still struggled to contain my laughter

"That's a bad word sweetie, you aren't aloud to say that word again, okay?" Mom told Mela who nodded her little head.After eating I went outside on patrol of the pack to make sure everything was doing fine and the guards along the wall was doing their jobs.We have had a few stragglers who weren't doing their job, as in sleeping, or playing a game on their phone and not paying attention beyond the walls.I strictly warn them with my Alpha tone, making them go into submission.

Other than that, no punishment shall be prosecuted.Where is my dad?He is hold up in his office doing paper work as always, and he started to grey a little, as in he is getting grey hair signaling he is getting old.Mela constantly laughs at him when he tries to dye his hair, once he managed to turn his hair to green, he didn't go to a pack meeting or even outside of the house for a month without walking the walk of shame.

I head over to Mason's house to check on Alisha since she has been dealing with bullies at school last year and probably doesn't want to go back, like most kids, but me and Mason watch movies with her and boost her confidence up and tell her that she is smarter than the bullies, and soon she would be stronger than any of them.


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