Chapter 22

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Lilac's POV

I slowly unraveled myself from Aiden's embrace, even though I didn't want to, and crouched down, picking up the fabric that held the Crest of Cross Pack

"What is this?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. Laurence came over to me and looked at it

"That's the Crest for the Royal Guard of Cross Pack... What were they doing here? Especially with Rogues..." Elise squeaked, realizing something

"Maria is still set on looking for Austral!" My eyes widened along with Aiden's

"Even after all of these years?" I asked myself

"But why..?"

"I have heard that Cross Pack is slowly falling apart because of her, because she doesn't care about anything else but finding Austral!" Elise stated, piecing it together. I stared at the ground deep in thought

"We know where Lilly's Dad is! Let's go!" Aiden stated, starting towards the door

"I agree, let's go save him." Laurence and Elise followed after their son, all three of them stopping when they realized I wasn't following

"Lilly, what's wrong?" Aiden asked me, having Sandy whine softly. I clutched my fists at my side, gritting my teeth, realizing this wasn't Maria's doing, at least not by will

"You go on ahead, I will catch up, I need to gather and scavenge whatever I can from here." Aiden sighed while Laurence nodded and left to outside with Elise. Aiden walked towards me, stopping in front of me

"Hey, we will get him back, I promise, alright?" Aiden asked me, putting his hands on my shoulders, tingles spreading through me. I nodded, looking up at him

"Please, be careful, I don't want you to get hurt." I told him and he smiled at me, kissing my forehead tenderly

"Don't worry, I'm not a Alpha's Son for nothing." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek

"See you soon, your dad will be at my side, don't worry." He kissed my cheek this time before running out of the place, after his parents. Once I knew they were off, I spoke to Sandy

'Sandy, get ready for it.' I told her, stationing myself on top of my bed, even though the sheets were all messed up from the attack. I took a deep breath, and began humming a tune. I slowly felt my hair being shortened a bit, my eyes changing color back to their regular blue, my tanned complexion showing back up from being pale. I let out a breath when I was finished, opening up my eyes. I looked down at my hands to see the spell worked, I smile to myself

"Time to show the world that I'm back, and who she really is." I stated, lifting my hands up and taking a deep breath. I concentrated on fixing up the room around me, within a few minutes, everything was in place, it looked like nothing actually happened. I got up from my bed and walked over to the coffee table to see a map on it. There were many locations circled, all of them were packs, including the Rogue Pack, the pack I helped build...

I furrowed my brows, realizing something, was history repeating itself? But this time, I'm Oria.

I helped build a pack, I saved people, worried people, and in the end I took out the bad guy and lived my happy ending...

But, that means Oria was betrayed by somebody, and I was too.

I now know what to do.

(Time skip a hour later)

"Welcome all to this special day, this is the day we punish four people for their crimes." I slowly walked to the crowd, passing by guards who were to buy paying attention to Maria, my sister. She was about ready to execute, Dad, Aiden, Elise, and Laurence, for whatever crime she came up with

"You ask me who they are! Well, you do not need to know their name, but call them Austral's Killers!" My head shot up, towards Maria who was at her pedestal, beside her was Maya and Lee, who was prepare to shield his eyes. I smiled softly at him, looking at how he has grown. Sandy whined softy, knowing that we weren't able to see our little brother grow all these years. When I was 13, I was so clueless back then, thinking that everything would be alright, but in reality, it won't be.

"With the help of our Royal Guard and Allies outside of the walls, we were able to find them, and capture them." People cheered as Maria stated this, and I full well knew who those Allies were, Rogues

"Judgement is on my hands for my sister's murder! After all of these years of searching and searching for her, My step-mother came to me, telling me of what she has heard from inside Palace Walls, of who murdered her, that's when I started to connect the dots, all this time, these four bikes creatures lied to us, and so, they shall be punished for it!" The crowd erupted in more cheers, pumping their fists, wanting the people I deeply cared about to be executed. Once I was at the front of the crowd, closest to the Executioner, I watched, my gold eyes burning with flames, Sandy wanting out to kill the person who betrayed my father.

Maya Rolen.

She is the Betrayer, my father was connecting the dots, finding out of who she really was. She was not a human, but a Vera, she used one of her potions to hide her scent, and use her manipulation skills to manipulate Dad and Maria, once Dad was out of the way, she went for Maria. Maya wants to kill the Golden Wolf, the spirit of Oria... And that's Sandy. I have always wondered why her voice always sounded so angelic, it was because Oria was here with me all this time. Oria was betrayed by her own mother, by killing her unborn child, Austral's (Oria Older Daughter that was alive) older sister, Chrysta. Oria punished her mother by executing her, with no remorse, that's when Oria used a spell on herself to being able only to conceive, two more children, Austral and Hema, that's why there names mean Gold, it's a warning to others that they were protected by the Mother of Gold, Oria.

"Now!" The Executioner swung his axe down on top of Aiden's head. I growled lowly and raised my hand, stopped the blade from touching his neck. Gasped filled the crowd, flicking my wrist to the side, I sent the axe into the air. It falling right in front of Maya's feet. I jumped onto the cement slab where everyone was at, as in the people I cared about, and stood in front of Maria

"Who the hell are you?!?!" She asked me, her Luna voice leaking, showing power, but I didn't cower back or submit, because I was higher than her

"A Phantom in the Mist." I stated, flicking my wrist again towards Aiden, breaking his chains. I saw him rub his wrists that were red from the chains

"Who. Are. You!" Maria demanded

"Let me rephrase that, The Phantom in the mist that's hiding right next to you is a Phantom. Phantom of the past." I added, staring directly at Maya

"You're not who you say you're, are you? Maya Chrysta Rolen." I stated her full name, having her eyes widened, caught red handed

"Manipulation to get what you want isn't always going to help, especially on a person set on finding her sister."

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" Maria yelled once again

"The spell depletes once the adjective is cleared, and who I am?" I lifted my head up more, so she could see my eyes

"The Child of Gold."

To Be continued

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