Fuck It

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Bill reached into Sora's car and grabbed a bag, a grin formed on his face as he opened it. He Took a few stacks out of it, checking them to see if they were valid or not. Than he casually throw the bag into his car.

Than he came up closer and wrapped his arm around Ria's waist."So, where were we?" He smoothly asked, Like nothing had happened just a few moments ago.

I started at them with complete shock, found myself speechless as The strange man put his hand on my shoulder "So are you going to introduce me to your new girls?" He asked Bill.

"We're not his girls." I said back, Now turning back and stepping away from him.

"Well she isn't but Ria sure is." Bill smiled down at her and she blushed at his words, that must've sounded sweet to her.

"Ok then, who's the fiery one?" He said, leaning his head back still staring into my face.

"It's none of your .. "

"Lisa!" I was cut off by Ria and I glared at her. She blurted out my name to these crazy people here, She might as well tell them where I live!

He just nodded and stared at me, I stared back with an annoyed face. This whole situation was annoying me. The fact that people just acted like everything they did was normal was boiling my blood. Besides, my tiredness was overpowering me in other hand and I just really wanted to go back home, where i could pass out on the bed.

"I'm Tom. " He said And I stole my glance from him to the Japanese girl who was sitting on the hood of Tom's car. Tom followed my gaze. "You a lesbian or something?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"maybe or maybe not, but that's clearly none of your business."

"everything is my business darling." He confidently replied.

I was about to open my mouth but I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Bill's hand, he stared at me in a warning way and shook his head as if saying not to piss Tom off.

"These two are new here." Bill said to shut me up almost as if he knew I was going to snap which I was.

"Just got here today, Ria told me." He continued.

"Yeah i can tell." he chuckled at me. "Liking it so far?"

"Oh yes, Bill drove so good and I could only dream of this kind of stuff. The racing cars and all. I guess tonight was my lucky day. " Tom's eyes left me when Ria started talking and I took in a needed breath of air.

"Well you can drive with me whenever you want, princess" Bill said with a smile and it was then that I noticed his hand slowly rubbing the skin exposed by her thighs, just what exactly did they do in that fast car?

"What about you, feel the need for speed?" Tom asked, rubbing his hands together as he played with his black lip piercing with his tongue.

"No." I said straight.

"That's a shame; I would have loved to have you on my passenger seat." He said looking at me from up to toe.

"Yea, a real shame." I said back, I was really losing it with these guys.

"Lisa ... isn't very risk taking." Ria said trying to keep the atmosphere calm.

"Well that's no fun." Both the boys said at the same time.

"Jinx." I said with a slight smile on my face, but I quickly mentally slapped myself.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now