Whats wrong with me

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I heard Tom slightly chuckled and I felt his neck rumble against the curve of my neck for his head was dropped in the curve of my neck "I hate you too  darling."

"What's wrong?" Bill shouted as he was running towards us.

My eyes were red and Bill's eyes widened once he saw Tom, limp in my arms. "What's wrong with him?" Bill yelled "What happened?" He said, taking Tom from my arms.

I couldn't answer him; I just stared at Tom as he lied unconscious now in Bill's arms. "Tom!" Bill screamed at Tom, shaking him a little.

Tears were still sliding slowly down my face and I tasted the salty tear as it slipped into the corner of my mouth. "Fucking idiot doctors... Help!" Bill Shouted before had his phone out now and had dialed Gustav and George to inform them.

"There must be a few doctors at the end of the hallway, Help me get him there." Bill said as he stood up trying to hold up Tom which he found difficult because Tom was much larger than him.

I obeyed for a change and grabbed Tom's arm to help support him, People were staring at us in horror, not moving a sell to help. I gazed at Tom with my heart
racing, his skin was going pale, This man was a monster, I should kill him myself right now. I slapped my self mentally, I shouldn't think this way; there was no way I was to stoop to his level.

We reached end of the hall and a few doctors came running towards us after seeing Tom."Lisa!" Ria called, came running towards me from an open room.

I stared at Ria as she grabbed my shoulders and spoke to me, her words were muted. I was a mess, my hair was messily cupping my face and my shirt was soaked in blood, in his blood. "What happened?" I finally understood her.

"I don't know:" I replied.

"What happened to Tom?"

"Uh..I don't know!"

"Are you hurt?"

"..I don't know."

Ria was getting frustrated and worried with me, she grabbed me and pulled me into the room that she once was.

I hugged her and immediately broke down. A hug was all I needed at that moment."Ria... you're ok! I .. I don't know what to do...Tom... I just want to go home..." I mumbled with mixed feelings. I didn't know what to say, How to express my mixed emotions.

She started crossing my hair gently which made me more emotional,"Lisa did you really think I would leave you?"

I shook my head beneath her arms and hugged her more tightly. "Now calm down and tell me what exactly happened ok?" Ria whispered.

I nodded but I just couldn't, my heart was still beating fast and there was nothing I could do to calm myself down. Then I heard step foots coming in our room. I looked up to see Gustav come in, as well as Lauren beside him."What's wrong with him?" Ria asked with confusion. "Stabbed, he lost a lot of blood." He replied.

His words were twisting inside of my head and my stomach was beginning to twist as well, my head was pounding and my throat was dry, like I had swallowed my heart and it got stuck in my throat

"Will he make it?" I asked.

"Think so, I don't know much." He said, his head down.

"Where are the others?" Ria said.

"In the room with Tom, Bill is a bit of a mess, so what did you see Lisa?" Gustav asked.

I was looking down at the ground, swaying a little, and I could tell they were all staring at me now since it was silent. "I..." I couldn't finish my sentence. All my strength was drawn out, with an empty stomach for almost three days. I felt my blood turning cold as flashes of Tom's face came back to mind. I could see him, hear his last breaths in my head, feel his heavy body on mine, and the warm blood on my fingers. Suddenly, everything turned into nothing, and only darkness surrounded my eyes. I could no longer see or hear anything.

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