Take Me Back Home

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My heart raced as I reached the hallway, dimly illuminated by purple lights hanging from the ceiling. Fortunately, I spotted the door he had entered. My footsteps felt heavy as I approached it.

My hand trembled as I gripped the door handle. I hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath. I wanted it to be him, but I wasn't prepared to open the door just yet. Fear coursed through me, afraid of what I might find inside, what he might do if it was indeed him, and what I might do it I see him.

Bill clearly didn't want me to be here, or at least he was trying to hide me, or even rescue me but I won't go anywhere until I see him.

I drew in a deep breath, feeling as if the air around me had vanished. With a cautious grip, I pushed the door open, the music was so loud that I didn't think anyone in the room would hear the door cracked open.

My heart raced as I entered the dark room. It was nearly pitch black, and I cracked the door wider to let some light in. As I did, I spotted a figure who turned to see me. I felt a chill run down my spine but didn't falter, taking another step into the room.

Now I could see him clearly. His dark brown eyes locked onto mine, and his lip piercing glinted under the purple light. This wasn't a dream; he was right here, in front of me.

A tear trickled down my cheek as I stared into his eyes, unmoving. After weeks, I had finally found him. I longed to speak, but it felt as if something was constricting my throat, preventing any words from escaping.

We both stood there, locked in shock. The silence between us was almost unbearable. My emotions were in turmoil, I wanted to cry, to throw myself into his arms and let him take me back home. But at the same time, I had an urge to run away. I wanted to escape him, still afraid that he might hurt me.

As my eyes were roamed all over him, I noticed a figure behind him.

Then I saw her.

I saw a woman's hands, her painted nails delicately tracing Tom's bare chest, caressing his skin.

A sense of disgust washed over me and it felt like my heart had plummeted to the floor. My breaths got heavier, Bill was right, I should've just gone home.

I took a step back, shaking my head in disbelief. "Lisa! wait.." Finally he spoke, shoving the girl aside and taking a step towards me.

"Fuck you," I yelled as the tears started streaming down my face. "Wait Lisa, Wait!"

I tried to run out of the room, but his hand clamped onto my arm, yanking me back inside.

Swiftly, I turned and landed a sharp slap across his face. The pain shot through my palm and His head turned from the impact and hung there for a few moments. His grip remained firm on my arm as tears continued to stream down my face.

"Isn't this what you always wanted?" He mumbled, his head still turned.

"You fucking abandon me!" I Cried out, thrusting my fist onto his chest. "Fuck you!" Another forceful shove, "I fucking hate you," Another shove. That's how I reacted to seeing him again for the first time after he'd left me, seeing him having fun with some whores while I was breaking down for weeks.

I was furious, pure frustration bubbling within me. I forcefully wrenched my hand out of his grasp before shoving him back with every ounce of strength I possessed.

The impact just make him move a bit, still standing in front of me. "I wanted you to stay," I mumbled before running out of the room, he reached for me but I was already out of the room.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now