I Promise

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Am really I alive? I wondered, feeling a bit woozy yet strangely calm. It was like all the hurt had vanished, no more muscle aches, no pressure in my chest, Just the rhythm of my heartbeat echoing inside me, I could clearly feel it.

"L-Lisa?!" A voice reached me, and I sensed someone shaking me gently.

"Lisa!" The voice pierced my ears, and my eyes fluttered open.

I blinked a few times to clear my vision, trying to make out what was in front of me. A faint light spilled from the room, it turned out to be Tom's room, which was a bit surprising. I couldn't recall falling asleep in his bed. As the haze lifted, I found Bill's face hovering just inches from mine. I couldn't help but gasp at the sudden closeness. His wide eyes bore into mine, a look of shock on his face.

"B-Bill?!" I mattered, still trying to figure out what was happening, what had happened.

Bill released my shoulders, his hands slipping away. "This can't be..."He admitted and I moved up a bit, trying to sat on the bed.

I glared at him in confusion, and after a moment, it suddenly clicked, I was supposed to be...dead! I was in that building, laying on a table while Tom was yelling, slamming everything around him.

Bill gasped as I moved a bit, as if he was seeing a ghost "Your heart beat...there was none!" Bill exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief.

but I never felt that my heart beat was gone, i knew it was there, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, that's what kept me alive, I can't be alive here if I didn't have a heart beat...

"But it got back to normal, slowly.."He paused, leaning over, "How's that...fucking possible, Fuck sake" he scratched his neck.

"I- I don't know..."I mattered, still trying to gain my strength.

"But I never felt that..I was gone. I could hear my heart beat I could feel it in my veins," I added.

"But It felt like it was gone...and it slowly went back to normal, pounding...like fuck...did I take too much drug?!" He chuckled at himself awkwardly.

"Well maybe... maybe it was just so slow that you thought there wasn't any...because I could feel my heart beating, I'm sure that It was there." I said as I kind of panicked, the idea of me coming back to life was just too much to bare. but I knew that I was never gone, It felt that I was unconscious, I wasn't sleep and I wasn't awake... It was just too difficult to describe.

He locked his eyes at mine as he shrugged, still in disbelief, "Good that you're...alive," and in an instant, he wrapped his arms around me, giving me little hug.

I gave him a warm smile and he pulled away, "Oh fuck Ria should know," "Ria!!" He exclaimed as he swiftly got up and dashed to the bathroom. Moments later, I saw him stepping into the room with helping Ria by putting an arm of her on his shoulder.

"L-Lisa!" She choked out, tears all over her face as she tried to speed up her steps to reach Tom's bed, where I was seated.

She flung herself onto me, as she continued sobbing. I hugged her back tightly, running my fingers through her curly hair, "I-I thought I...I lost you forever!" She cried out, tightening her grip on me, not whiling to let me breath.

I gently patted her head, a warm smile gracing my lips. After a few minutes, she gradually loosened her hold. Taking the opportunity, I held her face in my hands. "I'm here Ria, please stop crying,"

"I still don't believe it," She said as she pinched herself, "Am I dreaming?!" she asked, clearly not believing her eyes.

"Maybe.." I shrugged as I chuckled.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now