Now close your eyes

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"Ria?" Bill said as he appeared from behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pinching her a bit. "Drinking, huh?" Bill chuckled, noticing the glasses on the table.

"Mhmm," I mumbled, giving a slight nod as I felt too lazy to speak up.

"Look what I've got," he smiled at Ria, pulling out a few pills from his pocket.

"What are these?" Ria said while wiping her tears. He sat down and pulled Ria on his lap again."Something to boost your energy." He then gaze at me. "That i see you'll really need one."

He then put one of these pills on his tongue before going for Ria's lips. eating her lips as well as sharing the pill together.

I turned my gaze away and stared at an empty glass, feeling low and woozy. Then, I noticed Bill's hand gesturing towards me, offering a pill. I sightly shook my head, "It won't do much, it's just molly, take it." He said before placing the pill on the table.

Then he stood up, gently taking Ria by her waist."Let's dance princess." He said with a playful smile, guiding her into the crowd and I just sat there, watching them slowly blend into the crowd.

I rested my head against the table, next to the pill. Glancing at the crowd where Tom was dancing with some whores minutes ago, now he was gone, it was now only me and the smiley pill.

I couldn't decide whether I want or not, I couldn't think and that's what I wanted in the first place, to not think. To escape the reality, would this tiny piece help too? I asked myself. or is it going to be too much?

"Ah enough thinking." I shouted before taking the pill and swiftly swallowed it. Now too late to think. I slowly rose to my feet and began to take steps towards the dancing crowd, trying to reach there with my sore body.

my legs were skipping steps and I was loosing my balance, now I knew that the drink itself was too much. As I reached the crowd, The music started sounding louder and the lights were more shiny and bright.

Suddenly, It hit and I felt a sudden rush to my body, like a surge of energy that exploded into my body. It felt as if my heart beat was pounding faster and faster each second, trying to take it all in.

I looked around horrified, but I couldn't find Ria, nether Tom or BIll. My heart wouldn't stop racing and my legs started stumbling, But I pushed myself forward, through the crowd, trying to regain my balance.

I was horrified, this feeling, i've never been like this before, I didn't know what to do, what to say as my brain felt overwhelmed and unable to process the thoughts or my emotions.

Suddenly, I felt a gentle grip on my wrist, and when I turned, I saw a stranger smiling down at me. His deep voice asked, "Are you all alone, cutie?"

Feeling uneasy, I shook my head and carefully pulled my hand away from his. "Well I don't see anyone around you" He said as he glanced around and pointed out that there was no one near me.

"why don't you join me for a dance." He said as he licked his bottom lip in a dirty way.

"No." I whined, feeling sick like I was about to die any moment.

"Oh don't be shy." He said as he grabbed my wrist again, But this time, a bit tighter.

"Don't.." I whined, trying to release his grip.

"Don't Fucking touch her." I heard someone yelled before placing a punch on the guy's face. He clasped to the ground and I saw Tom who was punching and kicking him aggressively.

My heart was racing uncontrollably, unsure if it was the effects of the alcohol, molly, or Tom but whatever it was, it took all over my body and I fell to my knees, trying to catch a breath. It was as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest,

I watched as the man was getting beaten up by Tom, He was really trying to kill him and the man's screams were echoing my ears with the loud music. suddenly Tom's gaze met mine and he abruptly released the man, who fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

He reached to me in a rash and wrapped his arms around me, "Lisa what's wrong?" He said, trying to lift me up to my knees but I my body couldn't stop shaking, as if there was an overwhelming surge of energy coursing through every inch of me.

"I..I shouldn't have .. take the pill.. I think I drank too much." I managed to say, my breaths still rapid and anxiety gripping me tightly.

He suddenly put his big hand on my chest and I instantly went to push his hand away." Shh i'm just trying to feel your heartbeat." He said and I felt my heart skipped a beat. He was acting all nice again and surprisingly I felt my heart warmed up by his touch, it felt so ...comforting.

"Just listen to your heart beat, there's nothing going to happen to you, don't be scared." He whispered beside my ear, his voice so gentle and soft while his hand was still on my chest. "Just let your body relax."

Now, I could clearly hear my heartbeat, it was racing fast, but as I focused on it, I felt it gradually calming down. In that moment, everything seemed to slow down, and a sense of calmness washed over me. The world around me became clearer, and I felt a warmth spreading through my veins, as if my blood was regaining its peaceful rhythm.

"Better huh?" He softly asked as his other hand grabbed a hold of my wrist. slowly crossing his warm fingers on my deep scar.

"Now close your eyes," he whispered softly into my ear. I gazed into his dark eyes for a brief moment before obeying, closing my eyes slowly. Now with my eyes shut, I could only focus on his hand who was gently crossing my wrist and his warm breaths drawing nearer to my face. It felt like he was getting closer and closer, and I could sense his face just inches away from mine.

Then suddenly I felt his warm lips met mine, and a surge of electricity coursed through my entire being.
but I found myself unable to push him, to stop him. I hated it yet I yearned for it at the same time.

He started moving his lips and I couldn't help but to go along with him, it just felt so right at that moment. or maybe it was because that I was drunk and high at the same time.

He pulled me more into his embrace, his touch's were sending shivers down to my spine, a voice inside me was screaming, Telling me to pull away, To ran away, to stay away... But my mind was just ignoring it, letting him gently kiss me.

He softly monad as I moved my lips on his, He then put his tongue into my mouth, going a bit firmly. I placed my hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer to myself, wanting to keep him near as I felt an intense longing.

It felt as if it was just me and him, The loud music and people bumping into us couldn't distract me, I could only feel him and his warm lips.


I didn't know how we reached his house, my mind was high, my heart was warm, and my body was feeling sore and woozy. Tonight, I had done too much, but it was too late for regrets now.

Tom opened the door to his room and gently pushed me in, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Lisa, you drive me insane," he whispered before kissing me again, this time with more intensity.

He bit my bottom lip while pulling out my shirt, his fingers tracing gently against my skin. Each touch sent electric sensations through my body, part of me wanting to let go, but I felt trapped, like there was a wall separating me from my thoughts. Yet, with every touch of his, it was as if the wall was breaking, bit by bit.

He quickly discarded his shirt and kissed me again, his lips moving and with each second his lips were moving rougher and faster.

He then quickly pushed me onto his bed and hovering over me, His naked chest pressing against mine.

Suddenly, I gasped, feeling breathless as his hand slowly made its way to my pants...

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