I should've known better

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I turned back to take the last glance of the hell I was living in, The big dark house that i was trapped in with a nightmare that had ruined all my dreams.

I don't know how long i've been running, I couldn't feel my legs anymore, unable to catch a breath I immediately started coughing,"I made." I expressed, still trying to breath.

I knew that simply escaping the house wasn't enough. I needed to reach the police station to feel truly safe. I had to ensure that he would never catch me again. After a few minutes of catching my breath, I gathered my strength and determination and started to run again. Each step felt heavier than the last, but I pushed forward, knowing that my life depended on it.

After what seemed like an eternity of running, I had finally reached the city, but it all felt so strange and unfamiliar. The bustling streets were overwhelming, and I felt like a lost soul among the sea of strangers. Now, I was walking down dimly lit alleyways, desperately trying to find a police station or any safe place to stop. But the farther I went, the quieter and more confusing the surroundings became.

The strange looks of the people that were walking by added to my anxiety as if they all were on some drugs or something. I was now feeling unsafe now that i was unprotected. I tried to change my direction, To get to the downtown but i soon realized that I was lost.

As I turned into an alley, hoping it would lead me to the main street, my heart stopped for a moment, and my breath held in my chest. My eyes widened with fear as I saw a familiar car at the bottom of the alley, now speeding towards me. Panic surged through me, and I knew I couldn't let myself be caught again. Without thinking, I turned around and dashed back the way I came.

Running as if I had two extra legs as I darted through alleys. my heart pounding so loudly I felt like it would come out of my mouth while I ran through the unfamiliar streets but there was no time to think, only to run, run for my life.

My heart sank as I rushed and turned into another alley, only to find it was a dead-end. Panic surged through me, and I quickly turned back, hoping to find another way out. But it was more then too late; the car had already closed off the entrance, blocking any possible escape.

I watched to my horror as the monster I was fearing the most got out of the car in rage, pulling Yumi along with himself while aiming a gun beside her head. her tears were all over her face and a few deep wounds on her body. as if he had tortured her the whole day.

"Lisa!" He yelled and i felt my whole body explode with panic by his voice.

"Leave me alone." I yelled back bursting into tears.

"No have no way out why don't you fucking get it Lisa, get in the fucking car." He yelled now pushing Yumi to the ground like a dog.

"And you, Count yourself lucky, that I put up with you for as long as I have" He said still pointing his gun at her while she was crying her heart out on the ground.

"You already lost your life the moment you fucking help her escape." He shouted.

She screamed immediately."Stop!" I screamed as I ran towards them both.

Tom turned and the gun was now pointed at me causing me to stop in my tracks; skidding a little causing me to slip and having to put out my hands to balance myself.

Tom suddenly realized he had the gun pointed at me and dropped it to the ground "Lisa get in the car" He yelled at me before turning back to Yumi.

"I wanted you to look at..ME. I wanted you to kiss ME. I wanted to be the one in your arms while you sleep...Why not me..Why her. Why don't you love me why her." She screamed crying. It was the first time I had seen her raise her voice at him, and even Tom seemed taken aback by her outburst.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now