A déjà vu

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I slowly opened my eyes, feeling disoriented and weak. The world around me was a blur, and my breaths came out heavy and labored. The room felt unfamiliar, and I struggled to process my surroundings.

A dull ache throbbed in my head, adding to my confusion. I tried to move, but my body felt heavy and uncoordinated, as if it had forgotten how to function.
Panic rose within me as I realized I couldn't remember how I ended up here, What am i doing here?

Suddenly a voice filled with excitement echoed through my ears."Lisa!.. Your awake! Oh my.." The voice was unrecognizable to me, I blinked hard several times to finally be able to see clearly and i gasped as i found myself in a hospital room, laying on a bed. It was nighttime, and the room was softly lit by night lamps.

I opened mouth, trying to say a thing but no words could escape my lip, my throat was parched and scratchy and the dryness seemed to intensify with every breath.

Panic came rushing through my body as i heard someone talk again."It's all alright darling, It's all good don't stress out." He said and I instantly looked at my side, where I found a man who was setting beside me with my arm in his hand.

He gently squeezed my arm and moved closer to me, waving his hand in front of my face. "Lisa, can you hear me?" he asked.

I looked at him with a strange expression, attempting to open my mouth and speak, but I couldn't. My throat refused to cooperate, and I couldn't find my voice.

He swiftly got up and hurried to the door. "Wait here, Lisa. I'll call the doctors," he said before disappearing from the room and I couldn't help but to wonder,
"Who was that guy?"

••Tom's P.O.V••

I stood with my arms folded across my chest, feeling anxious as I waited behind the door while the doctors were checking on her. Finally, after eight weeks, she had woken up, though... it felt like much longer to me.

"Tom," I turned my gaze to Bill, who had just arrived, and walking beside him was Ria, crying tears of joy. "She woke up?" Bill asked and I nodded, turning my gaze back at the little window on the door, sneaking a glance at her.

"What did the doctors say?" Ria asked nervously, keeping her voice down, clearly afraid of me. "I don't know, they're still checking on her," I replied before the door swung open, and the two doctors stepped out.

"Well?" I asked, dropping my arms down.

The doctor sighed before glancing at his notes. "Everything looks fine. Her hearing and vision are okay, but she might need a few more days to recover fully and She'll need to take some medicines for a few months," he explained, handing me a piece of paper with her prescribed medications.

Relived of what i heard, I passed the paper to Bill. "Go get them," I said, and he nodded before making his way towards the elevator.

"I don't recommend visiting her right now, she might need a while..."

"That's not necessarily." I cut him off before putting my hand on the door handle, ready to open the door, To see her again but this time she's awake, she can see me, she can hear me and that's all i needed in the past two months.

"Wait, there's one more thing," the doctor interjected. "There was a problem with her memories. She doesn't remember the past few months at all. When we told her she's in Tokyo, she was shocked and insisted that she was living in America with her best friend, planning to move to Tokyo in a month."

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