Burning Hearts

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"Tom stop!" I yelled, kicking him with my leg, attempting to free my other ankle from his grip, but he kept on dragging me on the floor until we finally reached the kitchen.

He made his way towards the basement door while I was using all my strength to break free. He swung the door open and I finally managed to pull my leg out of his grip. Swiftly getting to my feet, I wasted no time and sprinted toward the nearby table, his footsteps echoing behind me as he gave chase. "You have no way out" He grinned. 

I knew he was faster, stronger but I wasn't planning to go back upstairs and hide, I just wanted to get away from that basement and bring him back up with me.

his footsteps were getting louder and for a moment my gazed shifted to a knife that was glowing under the light and without hesitation I snatched it, turning my face back to him and pointing it at him, "I'll kill you..." I screamed, slowly stepping back circling around the large table.

His anger grow more as he saw the knife into my hand, pointing it at him, He grinned before chasing me with his slow but harsh steps, walking around the table with me, "How dare you to fucking threaten me," He snarled at me while as taking faster steps.

"How fucking dare you!" and suddenly he charged into me, pushing me hard with his body weight which caused us both to fall onto the basement door and get thrown down the stairs while crashing to each other.

I led out a choked scream as our bodies collapsed onto the basement floor. the world was spinning around me and I felt dizzy but I managed to pull myself up a bit, pushing myself onto his body as he whined out of pain.

I found myself perched on his stomach, the knife in my hand pointed at his chest, the tip just a few inches away from his heart. nearly touching his heart while his rose chest was slowly going up and down. attempting to stab him and end everything, to end him.

But I just...couldn't, I let out a scream, not being able to kill him. There was this feeling keeping me out from it, like an invisible barrier, holding me back and my muscles were locked in position, refusing to move forward, refusing to hurt Tom.

breathing heavily, I stared into his dark raging eyes, locked my gaze with him but not long after he shoved me hard away from himself.  The knife slip from my grip as he suddenly charged into me again, this time pushing me against the shelf full of bottles of alcohols and wines.

He pressed his body against mine while his hand reached for my neck, tightening his grip with each passing second, clearly enjoying the pain he was causing me. "Trying to kill me now huh?" He exclaimed.

But before he could exclaim something else, I snatched a bottle from my back and instantly broke the bottle into his head, the alcohol pouring down his face while he pulled away. I felt a sting in my right palm and I noticed a piece of broken glass that had fallen onto my hand and cut it.

But that wasn't the case I should've focused on, it was him that suddenly grabbed me like a piece of junk and then threw me hard to the other side of the basement and my body went flying onto another large shelf.

For a moment I felt my spinal cord crack out of place while I let out a whine in pain but before I knew it, All the bottles tumbled on me and the floor and shattered into pieces as their crashing sound echoed through the floor.

I felt a few sharp pain throughout my body but what made it worse was the bitter liquid of alcohol that was now covering my whole body.

I gazed at him with pain, trying to collect myself from the floor. "I- I don't want to fight you Tom, stop this, fucking stop, damn it!" I snapped.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now