New hell

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I felt my happiness quickly fading away as someone suddenly flied into me from my right, smacking me against a wall.

I bit my lip from the sudden impact and whined from the pain of my back and my torn lips. I winced before slowly looking up to see Tom's dark eyes glaring at me. "You have been quite a handful darling!" Tom said with a smirk across his face.

My heart sunk at his appearance, all hope in getting away from him, in being free was now gone, no longer a single shred of that hope was left in me. I was almost going to plead with him, to ask him just to kill me already but then I would be giving in.

"Glad I'm wasting you're time." I said being sickened by the taste of my blood that was swimming in my mouth.
I was limp in his arms, he was holding me up but after recovering from the hit I began to struggle. "We're going to play this game" He said a smirk played on his lips as he looked down at me, satisfied by my struggles.

"I never play nice" I said back trying to release myself.

"Oh Lisa.. you have started a bad game to play.." He said while I was pushing myself from him, my hands lay on his chest as I push hard, but he would just pull my hips into him, so that are hips would grind together.

It wasn't till he let me go and I fell back into the wall that I was at braking point. I slid down onto the ground and put my hand to the back of my head, no blood but it sure did hurt. I looked up at the man that was ruining my life, the man that ruined Ria's life, it was his fault.

"Go to hell" I mumbled my head down.

"What was that?" Tom asked, now kneeling down to me.

I looked up at him, anger and disgust in my eyes "Go to Hell you" I screamed as I pushed him, causing him to fall back on his backside.

I stood up walked back a little, thinking whether to run or kick him whilst he's down. But It was now too late, he had already got back to his feet quickly feet so I Took the last chance and ran.

I didn't get surprised when he caught me in less than a minute and sent me flying into someone's car.

I groaned at the pain in my side and clasped my stomach from were it had been jabbed. I looked up at Tom who was now laughing.

"You're pathetic, you have no hope in leaving me darling." Tom said an evil smile spread across his face
"You can never leave me" He chuckled some more and I was extremely infuriated by him.

"I hate you."I screamed at his face. "I hate you too." He said almost in a whisper before I charged into him.

1 pushed him and hit him, push after push, he just stepped backwards from my aggressive shoves "It's all you're fault!" Another shove "You're the one that got her shot!" Another hit "You're the one that ignored her when she was dying!" Another shove
"How can you do that.. Monster!" I went to shove him again but this time Tom grabbed my hand and backed me up against the car.

He pressed his body up against me and I groaned in disgust. Tom's hand grabbed the hair on the back of my head and ripped it back so my head was held high "Because I am a monster" Tom spat.

I felt his hot tongue stab into my chest and I whined from the discomfort I was feeling with him being so intimate with me, being so close... touching me. His hot tongue slowly ran up my neck and came to a stop at the tip of my chin were it left my cool skin "And you are mine"

I groaned in disgust "I'll never be yours" I replied before his warm lips aggressively met mine.

I whined into his mouth as his lips enveloped mine, his tongue entered my mouth just before he was interrupted "Excuse me" Came a strangers voice.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora