What else can I do?

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I was silent the whole time in the car, I couldn't bring myself to talk, to open my mouth, as if my lips were glued together. Tom tried to talk to me, bringing up the stupidest subjects to talk, To try to fight me But I couldn't feel any spark of anger, joy or anything; all I could feel was a void inside me.

I looked outside the window spotting a big crowd of cars and people. The car came to an stop in the middle of the crowd where people were screaming Tom's name, cheering as he confidentially got out of his car.

He made his way around the car and opened my door, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me out of my seat before pressing his lips to mine. I went tense, my body getting ready to fight but I just went limp in his arms, not able to fight anymore.

Tom squeezed his eyes shut and kissed me so strongly my head was beginning to feel a little woozy. His arm was around my waist as the other was at my face, gently sitting against my skin.

He let go of me and slowly opened his eyes, staring into my eyes. I dropped my eyes from his and he let out a sigh before slowly moving away from me, making his way to Bill who just came to the crowd.

I stood there for a while, not knowing what to do or where to go,"Lisa.." I heard Ria calling my name, making her way towards me.

I turned away, Not wanting to see her face."Lisa please...I need to talk to you."She said, now standing behind me.

I didn't say anything, I tried to take a step forward when she grabbed my hand."Listen he forced me, He said he'll kill me if I don't lie to you, He said he'll..."

"I don't care anymore." I said as I pulled out my hand out of hers and began to walk away. But she chased me as I already knew she would. She tried to stop me by calling out my name but I didn't want to, I couldn't, my heart had already taken too much.

I stopped at the little gap between the bridge wall and slammed myself against the bridge wall,"I know something is wrong please talk to me.." Ria said as she knelt down beside me.

"You know what's wrong Ria? All of you knew."I yelled at her face."And none of y'all l...told me."My voice cracked."None of y'all "

She wrapped her arms around and sightly started to cry."Lisa i'm sorry..I..I...He forced me to."

I didn't move, I just let her cry while i was beneath her arms. I couldn't feel sorry for her, I couldn't feel anything for her at all, It was too late for her to try to melt my heart like she always do, making a mistake and dragging me into it, then try to make up for it. But this time was different.

"I know something is wrong, something that you won't say..."She said as she started to crossing my hair."But i'm here for you Lisa, give me a chance."

I sightly shook my head as I felt my eyes staring to tear up a little," Lisa please..."

I didn't want to talk, I didn't want to say that he raped me out loud, that would mean that it's real. That would mean that I accepted this reality. I didn't want to tell Ria about how I ended up in the hospital, how I wanted to kill myself, how badly I wanted to be dead right now and how I wish I could just wake up from this endless nightmare.

"What are you two doing down here?"Bill's voice came from the other side of the under bridge. I turned my head around only to spot Tom who was standing beside Bill with folded arms on his chest and Bill who's hands were in his pockets and gazing at us annoyed.

Ria got up quickly and started wiping her face. "Uh.. N.o..Nothing."She said.

They came up closer and I just stood there, silent with my head down. No emotion to let out."What did you talk about Lisa." Tom said, a bit harsh but tried to keep himself calm.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now