Im lost

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I curiously stared outside the window, my gaze sweeping across the bustling city of Tokyo. I still couldn't believe that i was here, none of these places seemed familiar to me, None of these colorful buildings and busy streets. but they sure did look cool and fun.

I sneaked a glance at Tom who was driving as his focus was on the road. To me he looked...dangerous and deep down my heart would say to stay away from him. But it was a strange feeling, I felt like I knew him, I felt comfort beside him but at the same something was wrong. like a missing puzzle piece that my brain couldn't quite grasp whenever I tried to think about it. Something about him scares me from being around him but at the same time I feel being protected.

And Ria said since we moved here, we're living with them, It was surprising because I would've choose to sleep at a motel instead of a house with bunch of guys who looked like they kill people for fun.

Im alone in a completely different country with No house, No friend except Ria, No family and it was hard for me to take it all in So I saw myself without any choices but to sit in his car and let him drive me to his house, the house where Ria said we live in.

And I wish I knew what was I doing but since I woke up from the coma, I feel like my brain just stopped working since I had lost so many memories.

While I counted to stare, He suddenly turned his head for a moment and met my gaze, I quickly shifted my gaze away to the street. "Like what you seeing?" He asked.

"Yeah Tokyo looks really nice." I replied and he sightly chuckled before taking a turn towards to the highway where he accelerated rapidly, driving at a fast speed that made my heart race with fear and I couldn't help but tighten my grip on the seat "Oh shit." I whispered.

He swiftly weaved through cars, leaving me with just one choice - hold on tightly and trust his driving skills.

"Fun right?" He chuckled, increasing the speed a bit more as he glanced back at me momentarily. I managed to nod slightly as I focused on the road.

Suddenly, he took another sharp turn, causing my heart to drop to my stomach. He then lowered the cars window in a second and the spring wind swept my hair all my hair away, revealing a sight of my smile as I watched the blurry road ahead. He was driving so fast that everything around me appeared like a blur.

"Sit back tight darling," He said, glancing at at the cars behind. I followed his gaze where I spot Bill who was almost beside us, almost reaching us, and that's when i realized that we were racing in the highway.

His speed was going up each second, I sit back tight and not able to move an inch. now fearing instead of being excited and all. "You have no chance Bill." He chuckled confidently and my eyes were locked on the road before us.

Suddenly, I gasped, struggling to breathe as my mind filled with images of a car accident and crash scenes.
I screamed as I closed my eyes, covering my head with my hands, panicking while I felt my head was blowing. "Lisa!" Tom yelled, shock at my sudden reaction.

But I couldn't stop the panic taking over me. In my mind, I could only see a vivid scene of the car speeding and then crashing, it was too real, feeling all the pain and hearing all the sounds. as if it was happening now.

"Oh..Fuck." I heard Tom mumbled. I took a deep breath before i slowly opened my eyes, only to see Him staring at me, clearly shocked by my panic.

I was still trying to process everything around me, trying to figure what was wrong with me then I heard Tom raising his voice, exclaiming."FUCK." I followed his gaze and saw Bill who had overtaken us, His middle finger on the air to Tom who had lost the race.

Nightmare Of My Dreams | Tom and Bill Kaulitz |Where stories live. Discover now