Old Scars

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"Oh sorry..I'm Ivy" She said and I titled my head in confusion.

"Uh That's surprising." She took a step closer.

"I thought maybe Tom would mention my name someday," She chuckled in an awkward way.

"And why would he do that?" I raised my eyebrows as I folded my arms around my chest.

"Because I was his prettiest pet," She confidently replied, making me want to slap her across her face. Was that jealousy? No there's no way.

I gave her a disturb look before I replied,"That's not possible, all of his pets are dead." I grinned or at least that's what I had heard.

"I should've been dead actually, but i'm here now, standing and pretty much..." Her face got closer to mine, "alive." She grinned, her lips turning into a sick smirk.

I took a step back, trying to keep my distance "Does He still play his sick games?" She said before she grab a hold of my arm, "Actually, You don't need to answer I can already see from these cute fresh wounds."

"Don't touch me," I groaned, attempting to pull my arm out of her grip.

"Oh look at that, that's a deep one," She laughed as she pointed at my wrist as well as tightening her grip.

"I said let go," I yelled, but my heart sank as my eyes caught the glimpse of the old scar on my wrist. It was as if a floodgate had opened, bringing back memories I had desperately tried to erase. They replayed in my mind with a vividness that was hard to escape.

"Now tell me, does it make you feel worse by looking at it?" She whispered, her hold tightening as she brought my hand closer to my gaze.

"Look at it," she suddenly yelled, her harsh breath washing over my face.

My heart raced, pain reverberating from just gazing at the scar. "Right, that's exactly how I feel when I see the scars he inflicted on me," She said.

"What do you want from me..." I said before I firmly pushed my hand out of hers.

"Don't worry, I don't want anything from you." Taking another step forward. "You have nothing to give anyway."

I was getting really anxious as I was gazing around, hoping for a familiar face to show up, "But i'm surprised that he hasn't kill you yet, in fact he had saved you." She smirked, taking another step forward as I was walking backwards, my gaze was fixed on her.

I am surprised too, I should've been dead a long time ago, but why does she care?

"Tom Kaulitz has saved his pet from death," She laughed, "Well isn't that interesting? Have you actually thought about it?" She said as her footsteps in high heels resonated, echoing down the hallway with each step she took.

"What are you trying to say here..." I snapped.

"What I'm trying to say here is, Don't feel special, because you're simply not. He'll be playing with you a bit more and then you're going to end up just like the rest."

"Dead" That word echoed in my ears, sending shivers down to my spine. In that moment, thoughts of the gun resting on my thigh flashed through my mind. This woman was terrifying me, giving me the signs of danger but I couldn't bring myself to pull it out and put it to use.

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