Chapter 15

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 I desire very little, but the things I do consume me.

- Beau Taplin

Rosenna's POV

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Rosenna's POV

After a moment, while I was busy wiping away my tears, he tsked softly as he brought me into his arms

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After a moment, while I was busy wiping away my tears, he tsked softly as he brought me into his arms. I felt comfort against his bare chest as he rubbed my back soothingly. He was only dressed in a pair of black joggers, and I had to assume he was about to go to sleep as it was almost midnight. My eyes were still red from crying, and my hair was only slightly damp from my shower earlier, but nonetheless, it still looked presentable.. though that was the least of my concerns currently.

" I'm sorry for barging in.. " I whispered, and he pulled away as he let me enter.

" Anything and everything can wait for you, flower.. no need to apologize. " He said, and I grabbed his hand as he walked me over to sit on the couch. Sitting on one of my legs, he stepped away to the kitchen before walking back over with two hot cups of tea.

He handed me a mug and took a seat as he spoke. " I was just making some before bed.. perfect timing, hmm? " He said, and I gave a small smile as I looked down at my lap. After taking a sip, I sighed heavily. 

" I don't even know where to start.. " I admitted, and he shrugged.

" Start whenever and wherever you please.. I've got all the time in the world for you.. "

" Gavin and I got into another fight.. " I whispered, and he hummed as he placed his mug down and listened intently. 

" His parents stopped by, and they didn't make the situation any better. They blamed me for not being a good wife or told me I needed to stop focusing on myself and focus on providing them with the grandchildren I've been keeping from them. " I said, shaking my head, and he simply listened as he promised.

" Gavin just keeps belittling me and my work and- I don't know, I just felt like he went a little far with the lies, the blame, the guilt-tripping," I said as another tear fell, and before I was able to wipe it away, Beckham wiped it for me. It sent something through me, but I did my best to ignore it as I continued.

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