Chapter 16

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This is my confession. As dark as I am, I will always find enough light to adore you to pieces, with all my pieces.

- Johnny Nguyen

- Johnny Nguyen

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Rosenna's POV

Waking up, I noticed I wasn't home.. no, I was in another bedroom. With the rustic interior design and large windows, I knew exactly where I was. Sitting up, I pulled the blanket to my chest. What have I done..

I was supposed to stop. I was supposed to get away from this man. I was supposed to make up with Gavin. What have I done..

Standing up, I quickly grabbed my things as I heard the bathroom door open. I frantically put on my clothes and saw Beckham in the mirror as he approached me in only a towel.

" Flower.. " He muttered, and I shook my head.

" This was a mistake. " I whispered, and he tilted his head, almost as if he was confused why a married woman was panicking about having sex with another man.

" A what? " He asked, the water from his hair dripping as the droplets dangerously went down his defined chest. 

" A mistake, Beckham! I should have never gotten involved with you. I had a moment of weakness, but I shouldn't have acted on it. " He remained silent. However, the look in his eyes changed.

" Did you feel the same after the charity event? " He asked, and I paused for a moment, memories of his father's dinner flooding my mind. He continued, " Flower.. nothing about last night was a mistake. "

" Beckham. I am a married woman. I can't keep doing these kinds of things, and neither should you. I'm sorry I dumped all of my baggage on you last night, but it should have ended at that. We went too far. " I grabbed my bag and breathed heavily as he approached me once again.. towering over me as he always did. Putting my hand out, I stopped him and shook my head.

" You can pull out of the contract, and I'll figure something else out.. just, please. Please, Beckham. " I said desperately, and he didn't say anything. He stepped aside slightly, and I took that as my chance to get the hell out of there. As I exited the building, my breaths grew labored as I could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest. Entering the car, I began speeding my way home as panic continued to consume me.

Hearing my phone ring, I looked over to see a FaceTime call from Kira. I answered and saw she was sitting at her desk.

" Hey, Rose, you're usually here a little earlier, and you didn't reply to my texts.. Is everything okay? "

" Kira.. I need to get this off of my chest and tell someone. I need a judgment-free response from you as well as help with where to go from here. " I spoke truthfully as I gave her a quick glance through the phone before going back to the road.

The Art of Discretion - DISCRETION SERIES BOOK #6Where stories live. Discover now