Chapter 13

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There are some healthy obsessions.. mine isn't one of them.


Rosenna's POV

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Rosenna's POV

" Oh, it's been ages since we've seen you guys. It's so nice to catch up. Tell me, Rosie, what's for dinner? Gavin has been complaining about not eating much, and I can tell he's starting to lose a bit of weight. " Nancy, his mother, rambled, giving me a hug. I sighed internally as I remained quiet and hugged his father, Patrick, as well. After pulling away, I turned to Gavin.

" Gav.. can I talk to you on the patio for a sec? " I asked with a wavering smile still on my face, and he followed me to the back as I practically ripped the sliding door open.

" What the hell is wrong with you! " I seethed, and he ran his hands down his face.

"They showed up at the firm when I was finishing up and wanted to come over to see you and have dinner. " He admitted, and I crossed my arms.

" A heads up that your parents would be here would have been nice, Gavin."

" I never understand why it is such a big deal. " He expressed, and I narrowed my eyes at him in almost disbelief.

"It's a big deal because I'd like to mentally prepare myself for being belittled all night by your mother and looked down upon by your father instead of putting my effort into trying to enjoy my time to myself. Understand now? " I said sarcastically, and he placed his hands on the side of my face as he sighed.

" Please, Rosenna. I'm sorry for springing this on you right now, but it's one evening. " He tried to bargain, and I sighed.

" Gavin, it's one evening to you, but it's my self-worth and esteem that's on the line here. "

" I know, I know. Please just get through tonight. For me? " He said, and I groaned internally as I looked away from his pleading eyes and went back inside. Going into the kitchen, I pulled out some ingredients to make steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

Not that Gavin particularly liked steak prepared like this, but his mother did, and for the night, his opinion would be based on how she felt. Taking my cardigan off, I set it on the island chair as I discreetly watch Gavin go back over to his parents to laugh and talk as if I didn't exist.. but I didn't mind it. Anytime I can get away from speaking to his mother, I appreciate it greatly.

As I fixed tonight's dinner, an hour or so had passed until Gavin finally came over to the kitchen, only to see if I was finished with dinner, of course. Because her son wouldn't be caught dead or alive in the kitchen cooking if he had a wife- Was what she said to me a few years back when Gavin had cooked breakfast for the two of us.

" Looks good," Gavin said as I finished plating everything. I grabbed two plates and sighed.

" I know. " Was my response, and he remained wordless as I walked over to the dining room to see his parents waiting expectantly.

The Art of Discretion - DISCRETION SERIES BOOK #6Where stories live. Discover now