Chapter 4... Wanted

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You're walking around the city. The clouds are covering the sun, and you still feel scared by all of the anthropomorphic animals wondering around, but they can't see what you look like. So that's good.

Now that you can remain hidden, you have to figure out a plan on how to get back home, and watching the news may help you understand this city better while you try to figure that out.

As you've been walking around, you've also been taking notes of the people you see. A lot of them were very interesting. You saw a blue wolf, some people are wearing clothes that can glow. It was kinda cool to see all of the different types of clothing people are wearing. And most of them had a tail.

You even saw what appeared to be a bear with a tattoo that was glowing a neon blue. The people here are very different from what you're used too.

Occasionally you would see more people with the visor face like sapphire did. They kinda looked like cyborgs in a movie.. but you gotta figure out how to leave. Especially since you basically have no money. They use whatever credits are.

You spot another hologram sign. This time it was showing the hotel you were staying at.

Y/N: "Great... I'm going to be on the news." You whisper to yourself.

That wasn't all though... It then plays a video recording of sapphire talking to a white bird looking guy who seems to be a news reporter.

???: "So what did this strange man look like?"

The bird news reporter asked sapphire, who was standing outside of the hotel.

Sapphire: "He has no fur. Except for the top of his head."

???: "What happened when you first saw him?"

Sapphire: "He asked me if he could stay at the hotel, so I get him a room and he walks away."

???: "We know the police questioned you later after he showed up, but what about the following morning?"

Sapphire: "Well he kinda scared me at first because I didn't know he was there, but then he tries to pay but he didn't have credits.. he only had this thing called a dollar."

???: "A dollar? What's that?"

Sapphire: "It was a green piece of paper that had someone that looked similar to him on it."

???: "So he payed with this dollar thing?"

Sapphire: "Yes, I just told him that he could pay with that."

Well they definitely use a different kind of currency here, and apparently they have never heard of a dollar. The police also asked her about you. They were trying to find you, but why were they so armed to the teeth?

Whatever, you decide to walk away and think about how you're going to get credits. As you walk away you here the hologram sign talk about something else. This time it was Vixey's voice.

Vixey: "So is this thing a alien? If so, then does it come in peace? More on that later."

A alien? They really thought you were a alien... At this point, you were certain that it's not a costume. They are real animal people... But where are you?

Sapphire said you were in Oni.. but you don't think that place exists. And everyone seems to speak English, not japanese or something like that, so where the hell are you? Where did that teleporter take you?

One thing at a time. Just focus on the credits for now. If you can't get a job without people questioning who you are, then how are you going to make money? Maybe you could play the guitar on the side of the road or something.. that might not be enough though.

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