Chapter 40... Delta-97

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Chapter 40.. Jesus... I didn't think this story would be this long, but I ain't mad that it is. This chapter was also kinda hard to write and I'll explain why at the end of it. I also went to go see family for a bit, but that's alright.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy this chapter!


You found this strange door that lead you to a more than creepy stairwell that went down for what felt like a eternity. With no end in sight.

Y/N: "How long does this go down for?"

You spoke... And the echo speaks back to you in your own voice.

Dome: "I guess F.U.R wanted to make sure this place was deep underground. Just in case they accidentally make too much noise."

You felt like you heard him speak twice... Maybe three times. The echo of the hall was obvious.

Amber: "A place like this... Underneath a mall..."

Amber sounded surprised that this was even here as you continue to carefully walk down the stairs.

Sapphire: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Dome: "We'll be fine. Besides! This place was abandoned!"

Y/N: "You sure F.U.R just straight up abandoned this entire place? No security or anything just in case?"

Densantra: "He's right. We should be cautious."

Dome: "F.U.R probably already took everything they wanted from this place anyways. No reason to guard it if everything in it is useless."

Amber: "Then wouldn't that mean coming here is a waste of time?"

Dome: "Nope! Because I'm sure they left behind a few clues too!"

Dome didn't seem to worried about this. While all fo y'all walk down the stairs, you see Dome's light finally make it to the bottom of the stairwell.

Dome: "Hey! I think we're almost there!"

Amber: "Not so loud!"

You've finally made it to the end of the endless stairs. You walk behind Dome as he approaches the bottom.

After Dome reaches the bottom, he looks around the whole room. Scanning it with his bright light.

It was kinda hard to tell what the room looked like even with how bright Dome's light was. You needed a way to light things up a little bit more.

Densantra: "You think this place has power?"

Sapphire: "Does it look like it?"

Densantra: "Well maybe there's a switch to turn the lights on."

Y/N: "What is this? COD zombies?"

Dome: "I don't understand the reference but it sounds interesting."

Dome looks around the room for anyway to cut the lights to this strange place on. Yous till weren't even sure if this was Delta-97 or not, but if it isn't... Then what is this place? What was it used for?

Dome: "Let's see... Any power boxes anywhere?"

Amber: "I don't know, your light is the only thing I can see."

As Dome looks around the room. You start to get a idea of what it looks like. It seemed to be a very small little room which strangely didn't have much in it. But it did have two other doors.

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