Chapter 18... Reunion

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You stand inside the laboratory. You were about to look around and all the stuff they have here, but the robot voice caught you off guard. You couldn't quite hear what it said.

You decide you'll keep that in the back of your head for now. You wanted to look around the lab while you waited on Dome.

You look around for anything that you think Dome might find interesting.

You look around for anything that you think Dome might find interesting

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The lab looked... almost clean.

You walk around, and you notice a few small things. First, behind one of the desks a chair was knocked over and fell to the ground. As if someone was in a rush to leave.

You also noticed that on the desk was a computer that was still turned on. You can look at that later, but you would think they would turn it off before leaving.

You half expected that people would be inside the lab.. Working, but you haven't seen anyone other than Poly. Which is weird because a airship as big as this should have enough room to keep over a hundred people. So why did they just leave the laboratory like this?

You walk over to the desk that was close to the middle of the room, and you look around.

You see a sheet of paper just laying on the table. It catches your attention since it had underlined words at the top.

You decide to read the paper.


Project Hornet progress.

Me and my team have been working hard for the past few months to creat the perfect AI controlled bug that we have been tasked to make.

We had to pause the project for a few weeks due to our new lab location being moved to the New Skies airship, but now we have made significant progress to the Hornet.

We have created a small robotic bug that is able to fly while carrying the 97-ACID liquid inside it's back.

The bug must have a needle on its back for the liquid to be able to come out. Dr. Kory has taken some of our bugs to be tested. I do not know when he will return with the results.

We have been given clear instructions to making this bug, but we have been given very vague information to what exactly it will be used for. However, me and my whole team have been getting paid more than usual for this, so I will put in the effort required and requested to finish project Hornet.


A few things stood out to you about this paper. It seems to be talking about project Hornet. Dome told you about that one time, but you still don't know exactly what it is.

It sounds like whoever works in this lab were supposed to be creating the "AI controlled bugs" but not even they have been told what it's used for. There has to be a reason to why F.U.R has kept it so secret, even to their own employees.

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