Chapter 37... Plan of action

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You slowly open your eyes after a surprisingly good night sleep. You were already ready for Dome to try to scare you. He does this everytime, and you were ready for it.

You rub your eyes some before looking around. You thought Densantra would've woken up by now, but she was right next to you.. sleeping. Her body looked peaceful as she slept right next to you. Amber however wasn't there to your left. She must have woken up already.

You rub your eyes before looking around to find where Amber went. You see her standing by the table. Looks like she's busy with something.

Yo slowly crawl out of the sleeping bag and you stand up, being careful that you don't hit your head on anything.

Y/N: "Morning."

You say tiredly and quickly so you don't wake up anyone else.

Amber: "Morning."

Y/N: "Sleep good?"

Amber: "Not really. I couldn't go to sleep."

Y/N: "Why not?"

You ask as you look at the city view. It looks like the sun hasn't even appeared yet. You must've woken up earlier than you thought. The sky was also especially cloudy today. You see some darker looking clouds in the distance too.

Amber: "I had my mind of this EMP thing, and I think I actually figured out how to do it."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Amber: "Yeah, I'm actually almost done with it. Right now I think it should work but I can make it more powerful I think... But I wanna test it first."

Y/N: "How do we do that?"

You ask as you look at everyone sleeping under the plants. Supringly, you see that Dome was still asleep. He normally wakes up before you do.

Amber: "So right now it probably doesn't have a good range. Which means we can test it right here right now."

Amber holds up a strange cubic device in her hand. It had wires coming out from it, and it looked decently heavy. It was also kinda big. Too big to fit in your pocket, but not absolutely huge. Just the perfect size to fit in your hand.

Amber turns the cube around so you can get a good look at it from all sides. Every side was covered in metal plate, except for one side which was fully open and allowed you to see all of the complicated wiring going on inside it.

Amber: "It's not fully done yet, but I just wanna see if this will actually work before I start to tinkering with it some more."

Y/N: "Make sense. What do we test it on?"

Amber: "One of my holograms. We simply just activated it next to the hologram, and see what happens."

Y/N: "Got it."

Amber carries the cube with her and she grabs one of her holographic devices from her bag.

Amber: "Alright, let's do it over here so I don't accidentally fry my drone."

Amber walks away from the table, and you follow her. Brushing pass some plants until you find a good spot on the roof that should be far enough away from Amber's other stuff. This way none of it gets effected in some way.

Amber cuts on the holographic projector, amd puts it on the ground. Suddenly, Albert appears!

Albert: "Well how are you my lady? It's rather gloomy out right now isn't it? Hopefully that doesn't ruin anyone's da-"

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