Chapter 19... When the sky falls down

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Hello... Okay so just real quick instead to say that I edited chapter 17 a couple days after it came out and added one small thing to it. This only really matters to people that read that chapter before I edited it.

Basically Y/N sees a escape pod room on the map. I'm saying this just in case you read that chapter before I went back to edit it. I apologize for spoiling the escape plan a little bit btw...

Uh... Anyways enjoy!"


A solid 5 minutes have passed, and you have been listening these two arguing about what to do.

Dome: "I'm telling you.. My way is the best way."

Densantra: "You're way will get us killed!"

Of course, Dome wanted to parachute off the airship like it was a action movie, but Densantra wanted to simply just wait until the airship lands.

Neither option was good. Waiting for the Airship to land will probably get out arrested, but parachuting off was sounded crazy.

Dome: "Look snake lady.. I'm sorry but I really don't think there's a better way."

Densantra: "Okay toaster, whatever you say, but I don't think you thought it out."

Dome: "I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

You were starting to get tired of listening to these two argue. You needed a plan. It probably wouldn't be easy, but you needed something.

Densantra: "I mean, I can't be the only one that thinks your crazy right? Sapphire, back me up here."

Sapphire: "Uh..."

Sapphire looked pretty uncomfortable with all of this.

Dome: "I'm not crazy! Trust me, my mom had me tested."

Densantra: "Then you may need to get tested agai-"

Y/N: "Both of you shut up."

They both turn to look at you. You had enough of listening to them ramble on about what to do without actually making a decision. You had to step in.

Y/N: "We're wasting time here. We need to think of something now or else all of us are going to get arrested."

Sapphire: "He's right. We don't have much time. We need to think of something."

You had to make up a plan fast, otherwise you mind as well give up on seeing your family again.

Densantra sighs before speaking.

Densantra: "Yeah... But what are we going to do?"

Sapphire: "Surly this airship has a emergency escape plan.. right?"

Wait... That reminds you.

You pull out your phone and look at the picture of the map you had on it, and you see the "Escape pod" room.

Y/N: "I think I know a way."

You whisper to yourself, but it was loud enough for everyone else to hear.

Dome: "Okay... So is it a secret or are you going to tell us?"

Y/N: "Look at this map here."

You show everyone the picture of the map you had. You then point at where the escape pod room is.

Y/N: "Escape pods. Maybe we can use em."

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