Chapter 34... Escalation

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Dome: "And here we are!"

You walk into the hotel room. You were able to relax your body some while you were in the car. This way you can be ready to help think of a plan to takeout Poly.

For some reason, Dome parked the car a little bit away from the hotel, so you had to walk in the cold to get here.

Sapphire: "Not bad."

Dome: "Unfortunately they only had a room with two bed, and there's five of us."

Amber: "We'll figure that probably out later, now let's see the blueprints."

Amber was not waiting around. She was getting straight to work.

Densantra: "Alright."

Densantra pulls out the blueprints of a Riotgen, and she sets it down on a nearby table next to the TV.. Which seemed to be inside the wall, instead of hanging off of it normally.

Dome jumps on to the bed, and grabs the remote.

Dome: "Ah! Let's see what's on the TV!"

Dome turns on the TV, and starts searching for something to watch. Meanwhile, you go up to the window to see the city view.

You had a nice view of a big building with lights all over it

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You had a nice view of a big building with lights all over it.

Y/N: "Huh, not bad."

Some of the buildings in this city were simply just amazing to look at, especially at night when all of the lights cut on.

Sapphire: "Enjoying the view?"

Y/N: "Yep-"

Dome: "That's what she said!"

Dome yells from the other side of the room.

Amber: "Quiet! We're in a hotel! Not your little secret hideout underneath some trash!"

Dome: "Oh yeah... I forgot you would probably know about that."

Amber goes back to looking at the blueprints with Densantra.

Dome: "Let's see..."

Dome switches to the news. You look at the TV to see vixey The news vixen on the screen.

Vixey: "Earlier this afternoon there was a police chase where a male protogen attempted to flee from the police."

Y/N: "Yep, I remember that."

That was when you were trying to chase Colt. The news recorded all of it from above.

Vixey: "During this chase, another car suddenly started following the cop car."

A video on the TV pops up where you could see Dome's car following the cops, that were also following Colt.

Dome: "Good times."

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