Chapter 39... In plain sight

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You quickly hide behind the piller as you try to take in what you saw. Dome looks at you confused. He doesn't want to speak because he knows you saw someone, but he could also tell that something wasn't right.

You decide to very quietly whisper to him, so that the man who walked in doesn't hear."

Y/N: "It's Conner..."

Dome looks at you with a expression of surprise. You made sure to keep your voice quiet so that nobody except for Dome could hear you.

This plan was meant to disable Poly, but it looks like you have a unexpected guest instead.

As you hide behind the piller, trying to think of something.. Dome peaks around the corner for a split second just to make sure that what you told him is true.

After he peaks around the corner, he immediately hides back behind the piller.

Dome whispers to you.

Dome: "He's looking at the Hologram, we gotta get to the hallway."

He tells you. You simply just nod. The hallway wasn't far from where you were hiding at, but it would mean that you would have to leave the piller and walk out in the open.

You weren't sure what your plan was once you get to the hallway where the rest of your friends were because breaking the glass would make sound, but at least you have a way out.

You get ready to walk towards the hallway. You carefully peak around the corner to make sure that Conner is still focused on Loona. He seemed to be walking towards her while holding the large bulky rifle thing in his hands. That gun wasn't like anything you're familiar with.

You look over at Dome. He gives you a nod, telling you that he's ready.

You look at Conner again, just to make sure he's still looking away... Then you very carefully and slowly move away from the piller and towards the hallway.

You had to be quiet. Conner was on the other side of the parking garage, but all he has to do was just glance over for him to spot you.

He looks like he's talking to Loona, but you can't hear what's he's saying. Dome was following your lead as you try to make your way to the hall.

You keep a close eye on Conner, just to make sure he doesn't see you. Even if he did now... There wouldn't be much you can do about it.

Looked like Conner had his attention on Loona. So you turn towards the hallway. You were out in the open with no cover, so you had to hurry.. but you also had to stay silent.

As you approach the hallway... You get closer and closer... When suddenly you feel something pull you back and to the ground. Before you could realize what happened, a bright blue lights flies pass your face and hits the wall right next to you.

You look to see Conner... He was staring at you, and he had his bulky rifle pointed at you.

Y/N: "Oh sh-"

You couldn't finish what you were going to say as another bright blue lights comes from his gun, and flies pass your head.

You feel Dome trying to drag you back to the piller. After you realize that Conner spotted you, you immediately get up and run towards the piller as another blue light flies pass you.

You get back behind the piller before you could get hit by whatever those blue lights are.

Y/N: "What the fuck is that!?"

You say as you still haven't fully processed what was going on.

Dome: "Whatever it is, he has a shock rifle!"

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