Chapter 44... Phase 2

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Amber: "You're clear to enter."

You hear Amber tell you that you're good to enter the F.U.R tower. You carefully open the doors and look around. There was nobody in sight. You let Densantra and Dome inside and out of the rain as you get ready for the second part of the plan.

Densantra: "Finally, Now we're not just standing in the rain."

Amber: "No time to just stand around inside either. Let's make this quick."

You look around. Looks like there were three hallways to go through. One to the left, one to the right, and one straight forward. The halls looks surprisingly clean and modern. The floor was shining as the light opposite of it looks down at the floor.

Amber: "Okay I see you one the cameras. You're gonna want to go left. I'll warn you about any Riotgens are anything."

Dome: "Appreciate it."

Amber: "Whatever."

You begin to walk down the hallway to the left. This place was supringly empty... It felt off.

Y/N: "A little quiet isn't it?"

You speak softly just in case of anyone who may be behind the doors in the hallway.

Amber: "Looks like F.U.R is having a slow day today. Most of the rooms that have cameras are empty."

Densantra: "That's good, isn't it? That we have a place to hide."

Dome: "Yeah, but I expected more in a tower like this."

Amber: "Actually... It looks like some areas are blocked off due to maintenance."

Amber must be looking at multiple cameras at the same time. Which was obviously a good thing.

You just imagine you, Densantra, and Dome doing all of his while Amber and Sapphire hangout in Densantra's cozy little nest. At least they didn't have to worry about being in too much danger.

Densantra: "Will that make it harder to get to the testing rooms?"

Amber: "No, it shouldn't. You'll just have to go up to the next floor. I'm leading you towards the stairs."

Y/N: "Okay got it."

You all spoke quietly as you walk down the hall. Perhaps the tower wasn't as busy due to the maintenance issue, which was perfect timing on your part.. except for the airship docking of course.

You walk towards the end of the hall where it splits off in two different directions.

Amber: "I don't see anyone... Head right."

Amber directs you too the right. You carefully peak around the corner just in case, but like Amber said... There was nobody there. Down the left hall was a red hologram sign which said, "Blocked hall." That may be because of whatever maintenance is being done here. Good thing you weren't going down the closed off hallway, but it may be a good place to hide in if things go badly.

You begin to walk down the next hallway which had a long row of windows to let you see the city once again, as well as the rain falling and hitting the window. You watch as the dark clouds glow brighter for a second... Before going dark again. As if it was a flickering flashlight.

The one question you had now was where the Riotgens you saw earlier were at.

Y/N: "Where did the Riotgens earlier go?"

Amber: "I see em. Looks like a most of them split up and are now patrolling the tower. Some of them went to follow that weird glowing red guy though."

Futuristic World (Furry X Human)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora