Chapter 10... Prototype museum

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You wake up to the sound of Densantra and Sapphire talking about the hurricane. You open your eyes and see them sanding by the couch.

Sapphire: "The storm shouldn't be too bad as long as we just stay in here when it makes landfall. They're calling for rain later today too."

Densantra: "I still want to go to that museum before it starts raining later today."

Sapphire: "Okay, we might just have to chill in here afterwards thou-"

Densantra: "MORNING Y/N!"

Densantra interrupts Sapphire when she sees you waking up.

Sapphire: "Not so loud!"

Densantra: "Sorry, but I've been waiting for you to wake up. We need to eat something and head to the museum."

You were still tired, so hearing Densantra yell like that wasn't great.

Y/N: "Do you really have to be so loud? There's other people trying to sleep."

Densantra: "I got excited."

Sounds like she's been waiting for you to wake up for a while now.

Sapphire: "Okay well anyways, we're about to head down to get breakfast. We can bring it back here so you can eat without your helmet."

Y/N: "alrighty then."

You stand up and stretch to help get your body moving. A good stretch always feels good in the morning.

You all get ready to head to the lobby floor to find something to eat. You got some pretty good sleep last night, so you feel well rested. You were also looking forward to checking out this museum Densantra told you about yesterday.

You put on your helmet and Sapphire opens the door to the long hallway filled with more doors. You almost forgot that this was underground, you weren't used to this.

Y'all make it to the elevator and start going up to the lobby. The elevator doors open and you walk out to find breakfast.

You see where all the food is and Sapphire waits in line with you and Densantra behind her.

You couldn't help but look around at all the tables that people were sitting at.

You see a female snow fox sitting at a table with a much smaller snow fox which appears to be a kid.

You also see a tiger guy eating alone at one of the tables. These people looked so weird to you, but if they knew what you looked like.. then you would be the weird one.

The line moves up and you can choose what kind of food you want.

You decide to get a biscuit and some small donuts because why not. You also get a cup of cold water to go with it.

Not the craziest breakfast ever, but they did have a lot to choose from.

After you get your food. Y'all head back to the hotel room to eat. You enter the elevator, sapphire pushes a button, then the elevator goes down.

You get to your room and you can take off your helmet to eat.

Sapphire: "Sleep good?"

Sapphire asks you.

Y/N: "I slept fine. How about you?"

Sapphire: "I slept pretty good."

You take a bite out of your food.

Sapphire: "So where exactly are you from?"

Ah shit.. you forgot that she doesn't know about where you're actually from. Only Densantra knows that.

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