Chapter 20... Landing

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Y/N: "Oh boy..."

You knew this wasn't going to be fun. The fall started off slow, but once the pod was fully out of the airship... You already started to regret this.

The pod was falling extremely fast. You felt like your body was being lifted up, but the safety belt was keeping you in place.

You could already feel your ears pop as the ground was rapidly approaching.

Pod: "Approaching 9,000 meters."

Seconds were feeling like minutes as the escape pod fell from the sky.

It felt like your head was spinning... Probably because the pod itself was slightly spinning. It wasn't spinning fast, but it was spinning just enough to make you feel nauseous.

You take a glance out the window of the pod, and you see a beautiful view of the whole city in the night as the pod slowly spun around, but you weren't focused on the view. You were too busy trying to calm yourself down as the pod shook with the air rushing past it.

Pod: "Approaching 8,000 meters."

It felt like this was never going to end. Being trapped inside a small steel box as you hopelessly fell.

Thoughts of what could possibly happen to you were running through your mind, and the ground still looked so far away.

Pod: "Approaching 7,000 meters."

What happens once the pod lands? Will it crash down? Will it explode on impact with the ground? What will happen to your body?

You can't think like that. You have to keep clam.

Pod: "Approaching 6,000 meters."

You try your best to ignore the rattling that the pod was making, and instead you focus on your breathing.

Breath in...

Breath out...

Pod: "Approaching 5,000 meters."

You repeat this process of telling yourself to breath in, and breath out over and over again. But it was near impossible to ignore the fact that your life is in the hands of a metal box.

The wind rushing past, your ears popping, it was keep you nervous as you fell.

Pod: "Approaching 4,000 meters."

You can't think about what might happen once you reach the bottom, which was now way closer than what it looked like just a minute ago.

You have to focus. No matter how hard it is. So you close your eyes and think about why you're doing this. Why you're in this situation.

Pod: "Approaching 3,000 meters."

You were doing this because you have a family. You may not have any kids or a wife of your own, but you have your mom, your dad. People that were searching for you.

They missed you, and you missed them. You will see them again. But not if you panic.

Pod: "Approaching 2,000 meters."

You could barely even hear the pod speaker anymore. You weren't focused on it.. you were focused on your home. The place you wanted to be at so bad at this point, but you weren't there right now.

But you knew... You knew that you will find a way to get back home. Whatever it takes to see the people you miss.

Pod: "Approaching 1,000 meters. Thrusters online."

You felt the force of falling starting to calm down slightly, and your heart rate was slowing down too.

You've been through a lot lately, but it will all be worth it. It always ends up okay.

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