Chapter 32... Icy roads

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You slide down the ladder and run out of the Alleyway. You see a silver car speed pass you. He looked like he was in a hurry to get out of here.

Y/N: "Dammit..."

Densantra: "What? What's going on?"

Y/N: "He lied to me. He still has the blueprints."

Dome makes it down the ladder.

Dome: "We can catch him! Get to our car!"

Dome runs across the street.

Sapphire: "Wait! I..."

Dome was already running to the other side of the road.

Y/N: "Ugh... Come on."

You weren't sure if you would catch Colt, but it was worth a shot. You check the road for any cars, and then you run across.

Y/N: "Hey! You sure we can catch him?"

Dome: "I don't actually know!"

At least he was honest. By the time you get to the car, there would be no telling where he drove off to.

You can't believe that guy lied to you, but you have to admit.. he got you good. But you weren't going to give up that easily.

You quickly get back to the car, and everybody hops in.

Sapphire: "Alright go!"

Dome: "Going!"

Dome cranks up the car, and he drives out into the road. You look forward, but you don't see the silver car Colt was driving.

Y/N: "Any idea where he could've gone?"

Densantra: "Did you see how fast he drove by us? He's probably long gone now."

Dome: "It's still worth looking for him."

Dome drives down the road. He tries to go fast enough to hopefully catch up, but the road was still icy.. so he had to be careful. Going too fast when the road is in this kind of condition isn't always a smart decision.

You look up ahead, and the car was nowhere in sight, but you did see some traffic up ahead. None of the cars looked like Colt's though.

Dome has to stop due to some traffic.

Y/N: "He must've gotten away by now."

You say as you sigh and lean back against your seat. Dome was waiting behind a line of cars.

Sapphire: "Great, just great... What do we do now?"

Densantra: "Well those blueprints would still help a lot..."

Sapphire: "Yeah, but that guy already has them, and we have no way of knowing where he went."

Looks like you might have to make up a plan B. Colt is gone, but those blueprints will help a ton because you can use them to make up a plan to take out Poly as fast as possible, but not damage anything you need to find Delta-97.

Y/N: "Hmm... Any Riotgen factory's that we could go to?"

Dome: "Maybe... But that would mean we would have to deal with more Riotgens, and if you thought Poly was bad... Then just wait when you're in a factory full of em!"

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